rugged smartphone

Tumbling to Profitability : Rugged Smartphone Market Stands Up to the Challenges

Employment in workplaces with demanding environments can be both physically and mentally exhausting, but the stresses that these job sites exert on smartphones is near catastrophic. In turn, to survive such demanding environments, a rugged device with military-grade protection is indeed the best smartphone option. Caterpillar, Verizon, and Panasonic are currently the top rugged smartphone…

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supersonic jets

#Techtuesdays : NASA Works Towards Making Quieter, Greener Supersonic Passenger Jets

In a bid to make flights cleaner, greener, safer, and of course faster, NASA has launched its New Aviation Horizons initiative. Through this enterprise, NASA plans to launch supersonic passenger jets which are commercially viable and addresses the growing demand for high-speed air transit. Since 1973, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has banned the use…

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language training centers

Language Training Centers are helping Multilingual Ambitions in India, and Spawning Big Business

In the era of globalization where several companies are charting their course across varied geographies, being multilingual has enormous benefits. This fact has been acknowledged and realized by students, as well as professionals alike.  Be it an online language training program or blended learning, the intensifying need for learning international languages, mainly English, German, French…

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off road motorcycle

Off-road Motorcycles Woo Mainstream Audiences, Market Responds Tentatively

There are few experiences as exhilarating and eventful as taming wild ways on an off-road motorcycle. This rather expensive hobby has now graduated into a popular sport that commands a sizable fanbase. For vendors, accommodating this new-found demand for performance motorcycles has been a lucrative proposition, and has helped spawn dedicated brands that appeal to…

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Game of Graphene : Profitable Material Powers an Assortment of Industries

In recent times, there has been significant hype globally for what has been described as a magical material, graphene. It is notionally stated to be more conductive than carbon, stronger than steel, and extremely flexible.  Graphene is a compound of carbon atoms which is assumed to be eco-friendly and has limitless applications such as lithium-ion…

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Footwear Companies look at Breakthrough Innovations as New Revenue Stream Generators

Like any other apparel, footwear has transformed tremendously through time and across cultures. From a compelling product for the protection of one’s feet to a significant fashion apparel, the footwear industry has come a long way and has become highly dynamic. With a remarkable improvement in the demand for fashionable footwear among the female population…

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Territorial Border and Coastal Surveillance System

Homeland Security : Need for Border and Coastal Surveillance in a Conflict Ridden World

Today’s global political scene is a rather messed up combination of strong egos and misplaced affiliations. All that entails bilateral arguments that have the propensity to graduate into full-blown armed conflicts. Thankfully, homeland security ensures that the fallout from such conflicts isn’t directly affecting a clear majority of the country’s population. However, being prepared in…

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facial recognition

From Science Fiction to Indispensable Reality : The Evolution of Facial Recognition Technology

What was once considered a subject of science fiction, facial recognition technology has come a long way from imagination to reality in a matter of decades. Today, the next generation facial recognition technology has real world applications that are revolutionizing the way several sectors function, most importantly the government, banking and financial sectors and transportation…

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AI industrial robots

Smartening up with Artificial Intelligence : What’s in it for the Industrial Sector?

In our previous blogs in this series, we reviewed the overriding impact and varied applications of artificial intelligence in the US education sector, and the ever-growing agriculture industry. In this final series blog, we will set a spotlight on the applications of AI technology in the industrial sector. After decades of extravagant promises, artificial intelligence…

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