
Airport baggage handling

Top 10 Airport Baggage Handling System Companies : Helping Airlines Deal with their Baggage, Profitably!

On a typical trip, you just step into the airport, check in your luggage, collect your boarding pass, and wait for the flight to take off. Meanwhile, did it ever occur to you as to how airlines manage such massive volumes of baggage and see to it that there is almost ‘zero’ case of missing…

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Renewable energy

InsurTech and the future of insurance

InsurTech was brought about by the innovations in technology, such as gadgets, Internet speed and software. Gadgets that work in insurtech include GPS trackers, trackers worn on our wrist or other wearables, cell phones and tablets. In most cases, fusions of several technologies are involved. Indeed, an Internet of Things. It has been estimated that…

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organic dairy products

Dairy, Au Naturel : Amid Health Consciousness and Concerns About Quality, Organic Spells Safety and Profitability

More and more consumers are snubbing the regular or non-organic dairy products for reasons ranging from changing lifestyles, switching to a healthy diet to concerns regarding contaminants in conventional food products. Dairy products made from organic milk eliminates the use of artificial hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals at any stage of production. Many of the top…

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No Pain, All Gain : Here’s How the Americas Continue to Dominate the Bone and Joint Supplement Market

Health supplements are no longer fancy products which only a few will choose to include in their diet. A growing number of senior citizens, more awareness about the importance of supplements, and improved purchasing power is literally driving the global bone and joint supplement market. Changes in lifestyle, especially with most people being indoors in…

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Multicolored MRI : New Technology Will Quicken Disease Diagnosis, and Drive Robust Demand

Billions of diagnostic exams are performed across the world each year, and, MRI technology has generally been the mainstay when it comes to the non-invasive detection of ailments in a human body. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine delivers precise images that aids medical professionals in making an accurate diagnostic assessment of the patient. MRI…

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From Brick and Mortar to Digital : Retail Marketing Looks to Online Promotions and Sales for Growth

A majority of the retail businesses across the world have taken a huge leap from brick and mortar establishments to digital media within the last decade. Digitalization has led a large share of the global population to rely on their mobile devices for online transactions in their day-to-day life. Unsurprisingly, owing to the high probability…

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Top 10 Smartwatch Manufacturers : Riding the Popularity Wave for these Multidisciplinary Gadgets

From communication to health tracking on the go, an exciting device tied on the consumer’s wrist, aptly called a smartwatch, offers nearly every feature that a smartphone would typically offer. While people have been wearing timepieces for centuries, these latest gizmos bundle cutting edge mobile technology and do a lot more than just show the…

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