
Augmented Reality

Top 3 Trends in Augmented Reality that are Paving the Way for Digital Transition in the Education Sector

Although the concept of Augmented Reality (AR) has existed for roughly two decades, the technology has only just begun its foray into the mainstream by way of immersive mobile and desktop experiences. Not surprisingly, much of AR technology’s impact has been seen in the entertainment and marketing industry. Today, one area that is sure to…

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Halal cosmetics

Responsible, Popular and Profitable, Halal Cosmetics are Ushering in the Next Revolution in the Beauty Products Industry

With the evolution of a collective eco-ethical consciousness amongst consumers, ‘vegan’ and ‘organic’ labels on cosmetic packaging are ubiquitous. However, there is a third label that’s not quite green yet is becoming a common sight – ‘halal.’ An Arabic term which implies that said cosmetic or food products have been manufactured in line with and…

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media and entertainment storage

Chronicles of Content Storage : How the Media and Entertainment Industry is Innovating to Improve Accessibility and Reduce Damage

Time and intent – universal constants that have the propensity to heal, and damage irretrievably. This is particularly true in the case of the media and entertainment industry, wherein less than favorable storage mediums can encourage the damage of original content and render them unfit or undesirable for popular consumption. Thankfully, an entire industry is…

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electric car

New Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Electric SUV in the Works, Conventional Fuel Systems May Take the Backseat Soon

Introduced nearly a century ago, electric cars today are enjoying a slow but sure surge in popularity. Depleting fossil fuel reserves and the growing awareness for nature are prompting people to choose the non-polluting electric option. From hybrid to all-electric, the demand for electric cars will continue to climb as prices drop and top automotive…

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Augmented Reality

Apple’s Next Big Thing : Augmented Reality Could Be the Difference Maker for Apple’s Upcoming iPhone

The buzz for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) is sky-high at present across the world. Although augmented reality has existed in one form or another for many decades, the discipline has gained enormous popularity in recent times after the launch of AR based innovations like Pokémon Go and Google’s Project Glass, alongside similar…

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Aerospace Coatings Market

Aerospace Coatings Market : Scalability with Profitability, One Coat at a Time

The aviation industry is perhaps witnessing one of the best times in its history. Innovative technology, industry-friendly regulations, and rising demand from the middle class are some of the many factors which have propelled the industry to soar higher. As with any industry, the enormous growth of the aviation sector has further spread out to…

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Sports footwear

Top 3 Trends That Are Changing the Game for the Sports Footwear Market

Given the rise in consumer spending patterns, and a radical shift in their perspective to prioritize comfort on the same footing as style, it is no surprise that the footwear industry is growing leaps and bounds. The introduction of innovative and comfortable sports shoes by top footwear brands, designed with precision, to meet the stringent…

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