wireless sensors market

Profitable Future for the Wireless Sensor Industry : Powered by Internet of Things and Wearable Devices

Accessible, powerful and affordable across a wide selection of industries, wireless sensor technology has become the standard measurement tool for top-notch companies to monitor a plethora of data points. These self-powered wireless sensor networks have an extremely diverse series of applications, from monitoring the power line temperatures of transformers to tracking the inventory in a…

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Top 3 Ways in which the Construction Industry Can Rebuild Itself and be more Profitable

Unlike the manufacturing and the retail sectors which have reinvented themselves to meet the changing trends and demands of the market; the construction industry has for some reason failed miserably in keeping a track of the latest developments in the market. High fragmentation of the industry along with stringent regulations and inherent corruption in the…

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rugged smartphone

Tumbling to Profitability : Rugged Smartphone Market Stands Up to the Challenges

Employment in workplaces with demanding environments can be both physically and mentally exhausting, but the stresses that these job sites exert on smartphones is near catastrophic. In turn, to survive such demanding environments, a rugged device with military-grade protection is indeed the best smartphone option. Caterpillar, Verizon, and Panasonic are currently the top rugged smartphone…

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supersonic jets

#Techtuesdays : NASA Works Towards Making Quieter, Greener Supersonic Passenger Jets

In a bid to make flights cleaner, greener, safer, and of course faster, NASA has launched its New Aviation Horizons initiative. Through this enterprise, NASA plans to launch supersonic passenger jets which are commercially viable and addresses the growing demand for high-speed air transit. Since 1973, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has banned the use…

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Cinnamon : The Undisputed Champion of the Spices and Seasonings Market

Centuries of strife, perseverance and perfecting of established traditional methods have established the global spices and seasonings market. Herein, cinnamon is gaining the maximum love, thanks to its rise as a preferred seasoning agent. Today, cinnamon is not only used by bakery vendors as a valuable ingredient in many food items like baking products, coffee,…

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language training centers

Language Training Centers are helping Multilingual Ambitions in India, and Spawning Big Business

In the era of globalization where several companies are charting their course across varied geographies, being multilingual has enormous benefits. This fact has been acknowledged and realized by students, as well as professionals alike.  Be it an online language training program or blended learning, the intensifying need for learning international languages, mainly English, German, French…

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Internet security

A New Twist to the Petya Story : Not for Profit, but Targeted Destruction

With WannaCry leaving over 100 countries weeping, cybercrime has emerged as one of the major global threats of the year. Even the World Economic Forum (WEF) has recognized data theft, misuse of emerging technologies, and cyber-attacks as pressing issues which need immediate attention. Internet security has thus emerged as a full-grown market to help businesses,…

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