Digital Blood Pressure Monitors

Digital Blood Pressure Monitors are Helping Personalize Healthcare, Driving Competition and Profits

Keeping a close track of key bodily functions like pulse rate, respiration, and temperature as well as monitoring the blood pressure are the primary requisites of modern medical care. In order to cater to this need, digital blood pressure monitors are the go-to implements, empowering the consumers to stay cognizant about their health and monitor…

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SIM card market

Reinventing Mobile Telephony with eSIM : Massive Scaling & Seamless Adoption to Drive an Immensely Profitable Market

From telephones to an era of 3G and LTE services, the telecommunication platforms have evolved strongly over the decades. Herein, the SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) cards have played a pivotal role in delivering secure, identifiable and authenticated access to mobile operator networks for almost a quarter of a century. In the current digital age, SIMs…

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Electric cars

Future is Electric : How to dominate a market that is slowly acquainting with electric cars?

Electric cars represent the next and ecologically responsible evolution of modern day cars. Already an intently invested topic, electric car manufacturers are betting on this technology to gain rapid prominence in light of depleting fossil fuel reserves and incremented global pollution levels. However, as a vendor, you are walking into a market that offers many…

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Fiber laser

From Material Processing to Medical Applications : Fiber Laser Technology is Productively Powering a Range of Industries

Laser technology has been around in manufacturing and other industries for a long time. Additionally, the recent introduction of fiber laser, a pioneering technology by laser manufacturers has gradually transformed the traditional usage of lasers in varied applications. From marking and welding tools to laser metal cutting machine as well as fiber laser engravers, these…

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autonomous cars

Disruptive Open Source Software : Speeding up the Development of Autonomous Cars

Automakers and technology architects are teaming up in the race to launch fully-automated cars in the global market and the world is finally on the verge of a phenomenal automotive revolution that will drastically change the notion of personal mobility. Manufacturers of autonomous cars are set to bring software-driven vehicles to indispensable reality, thanks to the…

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