
From Brick and Mortar to Digital : Retail Marketing Looks to Online Promotions and Sales for Growth

A majority of the retail businesses across the world have taken a huge leap from brick and mortar establishments to digital media within the last decade. Digitalization has led a large share of the global population to rely on their mobile devices for online transactions in their day-to-day life. Unsurprisingly, owing to the high probability…

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Top 10 Smartwatch Manufacturers : Riding the Popularity Wave for these Multidisciplinary Gadgets

From communication to health tracking on the go, an exciting device tied on the consumer’s wrist, aptly called a smartwatch, offers nearly every feature that a smartphone would typically offer. While people have been wearing timepieces for centuries, these latest gizmos bundle cutting edge mobile technology and do a lot more than just show the…

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media and entertainment

This Week in Media and Entertainment : Game of Thrones Season 7 Leaked, What’s Tesla’s future in Hollywood, and More!

This week the media and entertainment industry saw the electric car giant Tesla redefine entertainment, along with fans of Game of Thrones going berserk with the leaking of the latest episode of the show. But, the shining star has been the stand taken by industry giants like Apple and Spotify in their fight against racism….

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wearable technology

Wearable Technology : High Impact Devices Help Healthcare Industry Offer Real-time Medical Solutions

A lot has been said about how the healthcare industry has been a rather conservative space when it comes to adoption of technology. At the same time, there is no denying the fact that technology – be it in the form of big data, cloud computing, or wearable devices – has already made inroads in…

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Diabetic foods

Diabetic Foods and Beverages : A Billion Dollar Market That’s Helping Diabetes Patients Lead Better Lives

Diabetes is called a global malady that needs to be tackled with the utmost attention. It is however, tough to dodge its aggravation as there are only a few precautionary measures available. Along with regular exercise, it is extremely imperative for diabetic patients to eat the proper food. With the mounting cases of diabetes and…

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crowd control

Effective Crowd Control with Non-Lethal Weapons is Opening Up Great Demand for the Latter

The most impactful news currently hogging the airwaves is the unfortunate white supremacist agitation in Charlottesville, Va. Innocent people have been hurt, a deep-seated vile sentiment has found an outlet, and most unfortunately, an audience as well. Neo-Nazism has always existed in human society, however, now, thanks to a new wave of resentment and questionable…

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Cosmetic Surgery

Top 10 Vendors in the Global Cosmetic Surgery Market

Nothing explains the importance of looks, like the growth of the global cosmetic surgery market. From enhancing one’s confidence level, to being a major game changer in professional and social situations, cosmetic surgery is seen by many as that one magic element which can influence and bring in positive changes in life. Noninvasive surgeries along…

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Sports and Wanderlust Combine Profitably with Sports Tourism

Sports tourism, a novel terminology for an old practice of the fandom wherein people would travel from one location to another to watch their favorite athletes or sports teams play. Today, the scope of sports tourism also includes people traveling from one destination to another to participate in sports themselves. As of 2016, the global…

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