construction composites

Revolution in Building Materials : Durability, Flexibility, and Sustainability offered by Construction Composites

Whether it is a new construction project or the renovation work for an existing building, design professionals, and top construction companies are striving to reduce the cycle time and lower the cost from the start to the completion of the project. This works well for the global construction composites industry, that produces materials that are…

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global cancer gene therapy market

Cancer Gene Therapy : A Ground-Breaking Development in Life Sciences Sector

As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel approved the first-ever gene therapy treatment for cancer, the doors for better treatment of this deadly disease have opened. It’s been a while that researchers have been working on gene therapy to address various kinds of cancer. Approval from FDA has, in fact, encouraged several pharma majors…

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Food safety and hygiene

This Week in the News : Food for thought with Safety, Hygiene and the Allure of Building a Healthy Food Brand

A number of interesting discoveries happen each day- and if said discovery concerns the one food item that might be making you obese, that’s very favorable news. Aside from this bit of enlightenment, the week that was saw the erstwhile queen of daytime talk shows announcing the launch of her own food brand. Plus, some…

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courier management software

Courier Management Software : Will the Challenges Block the Market’s Growth?

E-commerce, as an industry, has encouraged several ancillary businesses as well. The courier service industry is one such sector which has witnessed immense growth post the e-commerce boom. As the volume of deliveries rose, the need for courier management software also emerged. It is in this context that major courier companies resorted to courier delivery…

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Restaurant furniture : The Next Booming Segment in the Global Furniture Market

From being a necessity to moving on to becoming a luxury item and a reflection of one’s aesthetic tastes, the furniture market has evolved rapidly over the past decade. Also, as the lifestyle of people has changed, with travel turning into an integral part of one’s personal and professional life, the demand for various prototypes…

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