
stem cell therapy for diabetes

Is Stem Cell Therapy the Latest Breakthrough in Treating Diabetes?

With a rapid increase in the size of the aging population, obesity rising at an alarming rate, and sedentary lifestyles becoming more common, diabetes has evolved into one of the most devastating diseases that affects millions of people worldwide. According to a survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 422 million people…

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Marine Infotainment Market

Despite Challenges the Marine Infotainment Market Is all Set to Grow

After finding success in the automotive industry, infotainment systems have made inroads into marine vehicles. The marine infotainment market is one of the most proactively growing spaces, thanks to the increasing demand for cruise tourism and cargo ship activity. While the market does seem promising, there are three pressing challenges that will have to be…

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LIdar sensors

Automotive Lidar sensors: Where We Are and Where We’re Headed?

Over the last century, the automotive industry has been disrupted by several game-changing innovations. These include electronic control units (ECUs) in automobiles, driverless car prototypes, and more recently, shifts to the mobility paradigm with autonomous vehicles, shared business models, and increased connectivity. Automatic driver assistance systems (ADAS) and vehicle autonomy rely on a range of…

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Small businesses in the UK

Top 5 Technology Trends That are Reshaping Small Businesses in the UK

Small Business Saturday is right around the corner- a day specially devoted to promoting small businesses and celebrating their contribution to the advancement of retail methodologies. The idea behind Small Business Saturday, which was initiated by American Express in the US, has been gaining momentum in the UK over the last five years. This year’s…

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IoT-Enabled Industrial Wearables

Top 3 Ways in Which IoT Wearables are Changing the Face of Manufacturing

Machines are running, employees are at work, and products are being produced. However, there is an update that is entirely different from the factory floors of days past- increased connectivity with Internet of Things (IoT). Indeed, the manufacturing industry is making steady headway in adopting innovative technologies, ranging from 3D printing to robotics to smart…

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