
Video Encoders: Laying the Groundwork for Advanced Video Functionalities

Driven by the proliferation of video streaming devices, as well as the ever-growing demands for rich video content, the media and entertainment industry entails advanced video encoding technologies that can deliver the optimal blend of video quality, processing speed, resource efficiency and multi-screen capabilities. At the heart of every video processing mechanism, encoding, and programming…

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Top 10 Vendors in the Global Autonomous Mobile Robots Market – Reshaping the Future of Industries

In the world of intelligent machines, autonomous mobile robots are the game-changing innovations of the recent times. The next generation mobile robots are already being used in several industries including automotive, healthcare, aerospace, as well as oil and gas industry. These robots are widely deployed in the improvised explosive device (IED) handling, scouting, and logistics…

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wireless technology

Wireless Chipset: Upgrading Wireless Communication

The recent advancements in hardware and semiconductor sector have significantly improved the scalability and functionality of real-time embedded systems which is escalating the use of wireless chipset. The wireless chipset is an internal piece of hardware located inside a wireless communication system which allows two wireless-enabled machines to connect with each other. These chipsets are…

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Eye tracking

Eye Tracking Devices: The Next Frontier of Human-Tech Interaction

The idea of measuring and responding to human eye motion  isn’t new, but the past year saw an increasing interest in the eye tracking technology.  The eye-tracking is the measurement of eye activity. It implies the recording of eye position and movements based on the optical tracking of corneal reflections to evaluate visual attention. Most…

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live music

In the Age of Streaming: Nothing Beats the Live Music

Concerts and live music performances give music fans a thrilling and exciting chance to watch their favorite artists perform on stage. The lights, stage, and the colossal sound system along with all-important atmosphere built by the crowd creates high enthusiasm and interest among music lovers to attend such events. Along with this, the passion and…

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