Green Technology in Data Centers: The Smart Route to Sustainability

Over the last few years, green energy has emerged as a major area of discussion among several industries. With the growing concerns about the global warming and increased CO2 emissions, green technologies have gained much popularity across the world. Just the way in which concepts like  green packaging and green building came into the spotlight a few years back, the notion of green data centers is now gaining tremendous momentum.

A green data center is an emerging concept where the entire data center construction including lighting, mechanical, electrical, construction and IT systems are designed to ensure maximum energy efficiency and minimum environmental impact. Tech giants such as Facebook and Apple are the major companies widely using the green technology to power their data centers.

Sustainability trends: Moving towards greener environment

Increased use of DCIM and automation

DCIM (Data center infrastructure management) facilitates the management of entire data center facility through remote software. Most of the modern infrastructure offered by vendors in the market enable remote monitoring features. However, these state-of-art technologies involve higher CAPEX compared to the traditional systems. With growing concerns over energy consumption and carbon emission by data center facilities have made the use of DCIM software a basic requirement among all the data center operations.

Increasing water consumption by data center

There is an increasing demand to balance water consumption while achieving better WUE (water usage effectiveness) rating. WUE metrics help monitor the water consumption of data centers for cooling purposes. Many data center operators are involved in using systems that consume less water for operations enabling greener operations.

Consolidation of data centers

The increased OPEX through high power consumption and carbon emission is expected to lead to more consolidation in the future. There are many enterprises involved in the consolidation of existing facilities and moving its operations to colocation data centers and adoption of cloud-enabled technologies. Consolidation aids enterprises in saving cost, enhancing security, improving efficiency and reduction in power consumption.

Technavio solutions: Powering your creativity

Green technology is a trending concept across the world and is widely adopted in several industries. Data centers too are not an exception to this. Green data centers are constantly evolving with disruptive innovation, which makes it necessary vendors to be updated to changing trends.

Technavio’ s market insights will empower the players in the global green data centers market with required knowledge and acumens which will aid companies to get an edge over the competition.

To get a detailed understanding on green data center market
