Men's health concerns

Top-3 Health Concerns Among Men, and What’s Being Done About Them

Men’s health, often sidelined in the glare of the macho talk, has gained a lot of momentum and visibility in recent times– and, a decent quantum of credit for this development goes to the Movember Foundation. An organization dedicated to helping men lead healthy and productive lives, the foundation offers a common platform for discussions,…

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Smart Farming

The Future of Farming is ‘Smart’: Deciphering the Layers of Hi-Tech Agriculture

In today’s digital world, it is not surprising that agriculturalists turn to IoT, big data, and machine to machine (M2M) technology, to maximize yield, maintain a steady flow of food in the supply chain, and optimize efficiency. Also, as the area of arable land keeps declining and populations increase at a steady pace, it is…

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Must a Vendor of Adaptive Learning Software Also Moonlight as an Evangelist?

Yes. It’s high technology and rapid innovation everywhere the eye can see, yet adaptive learning software isn’t quite as well known or widely implemented as some of the other ‘pathbreaking’ concepts in this cadre. This, because there is a critical lack of technical expertise and infrastructure on the educational institutions’ part that has slowed down…

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Military soldier silhouette with machine gun

Assistive Technologies: Exploring a Stable Clientele Among Veterans

Veterans, especially war veterans, are immensely worthy of the respect that they garner from society. Time and again several policy changes have taken place, so that the lives of these veterans are easy and relatively uncomplicated. Elsewhere, OEMs of assistive technologies have come up with products which are brilliantly designed for the elderly and the…

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