Cloud-Based M-Learning is the Next Step in Corporate Training

What is Corporate M-Learning? M-learning or mobile learning refers to technologies and applications installed in personal electronic devices (mobile devices) to facilitate learning and sharing of information. The concept is gaining in popularity among employees and companies worldwide as the advanced features of mobile devices support daily business activities. Corporate m-learning has immense potential for…

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esports industry

Top 16 Mobile Gambling Companies

The global mobile gambling market is highly competitive because of rapid advances in technology, and frequent changes in consumer preferences. With increasing competition, the market is witnessing consolidation. In addition, the influx of private companies in the market is also on the rise. Below are some key insights about the mobile gambling market from our…

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IT security solutions

Storage Wars: Enterprise Edition

It’s pretty safe to say that our formerly paper-based society is now inarguably digital. Even institutions like healthcare, which were reluctant to evolve at first, are now digitizing. And while this means we’re not scrounging for space in overstuffed file cabinets anymore, all this extra data is still causing storage issues. In enterprises, spending on…

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IT security solutions

Increased Use of Mobile Devices Drives Cyber Security Market in North America

Increased Use of Mobile Devices Drives Cyber Security Market in North America Businesses need to stay connected 24/7. Mobile devices keep employees connected with business information everywhere at any time. This has increased the demand for uninterrupted connectivity between a corporate network and mobile devices of employees in an organization and increased the use of…

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These Key Developments Make M-Learning Easier for Higher Education

M-learning refers to education delivered through mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, and e-readers. Educational organizations use this learning solution as an advanced method of learning and teaching to incorporate technology-based learning environment. The main advantage of m-learning is the reduction in paper use, which helps build a sustainable ecosystem. M-learning improves education in two…

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