Electric vehicle industry

South Korea’s Plan to Boost Its Electric Vehicle Industry

The South Korean government has set high goals for its electric vehicle industry over the next ten years, and is making heavy investments in both the vehicles themselves and in the infrastructure necessary to support them. The government announced late last year that it would be providing the equivalent of about $900 million in subsidies for…

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Will smart glasses companies win over the mainstream consumer?

Is 2020 the Year that Smart Glasses Companies Win Over Mainstream Consumers?

Smart glasses companies have released several products over the past few years, but none have truly taken off with consumers. Manufacturers have produced models aimed at developers and enterprises, but consumer-focused products have so far failed to make the grade. However, with upgraded versions of these initial products in the works and major players entering…

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board game manufacturers

Top 5 Board Game Manufacturers in the World 2019

It’s a digital age! That means every aspect of our lives is getting strongly connected with smart and advanced technologies. The preferences, demand, choices, and acquisitions of things have transformed exponentially, from the food we eat to gadgets we use and sports we play.  Nevertheless, one segment of the gaming industry that has remained unchanged…

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