Global Thermal Spray Market Records Coating Services as the Biggest Type Segment During 2016

Renewable energy


According to Technavio’s latest market research study, the global thermal spray market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 8% during the forecast period of 2017 to 2021.

This report by Technavio provides an in-depth analysis of the global thermal spray market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends. The report also includes an up-to-date analysis and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.

Technavio research analysts categorize the market based on the type

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Global thermal spray market by coating services: Coating uses thermal spray technology and this service functions efficiently because of this technique. Coating and finishing services include different customized solutions for different types of end-users. These end-users have different types of service requirements that include single items and batch coatings and help vendors to provide such varied services.

Advantages of thermal sprays include protection against corrosion, enhanced durability of the product, and increased profitability for the user. The most popular coating processes are HVOF, plasma spray, flame spraying, wire arc, and thermal spray aluminum that include HVOF, plasma, and flame,” says Sunil Kumar Singh, a lead analyst at Technavio for research on paints, coatings, and pigments.

Global thermal spray market by materials: Very high melting point materials such as oxide ceramics can also be used for thermal spraying as high-temperature materials will have a minimal effect on the coating materials. Vendors in the global market are offering plasma, metals, ceramics, and polymers materials in thermal sprays and these products help to eliminate stress corrosion cracking. These sprays have wide applications in the production of high-strength low-alloy steels for LPG tanks.

Global thermal spray market by equipment: The different types of equipment used for thermal sprays are arc spray equipment, HVOF coating equipment, plasma spray equipment, automated thermal spray equipment, and powder feeder equipment. These kits help vendors achieve workpiece geometry, substrate material, optimum surface properties, and the desired production rate.

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The top vendors operating in the global thermal spray market are:

  • Kurt J. Lesker
  • Linde
  • Praxair
  • Sulzer

Other prominent vendors in the market include A&A Coatings, Accuwright Industries, Ardleigh Minerals, ARTEC, Bodycote, Carpenter Technology, Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies, Castolin Eutectic, Eurocoating, Flame Spray Coating, Fujimi, H. C. Starck, Oerlikon Metco, Saint-Gobain Coating Solutions, and Turbocoating.

A more detailed analysis is available in the Technavio report titled, ‘Global Thermal Spray Market 2017-2021’. Technavio also customizes reports by other regions and specific segments upon request.

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