How Mature is your Internet Security Plan?

Internet security thefts have perhaps made maximum headlines in the past couple of years. On the one hand, these incidents call for a rather advanced persistent security measures; they also draw focus on the gap in the cyber security skills. What adds an element of urgency to the whole internet security issue, is the fact that we are gradually moving towards a more connected world. With IoT making in-roads into our offices, homes, and even the vehicles we drive – it is not just your credit card information which is ‘out there’! Though leaking for credit card information is a nightmare in itself.

Is internet security a myth?

If critics were to have their way, they would very easily write-off the very idea of internet security. Well, one cannot blame them for being so disillusioned given the chain of cyber thefts which have taken place recently. Right from major speculations on Russian hackers having interfered in the American presidential elections, to the theft of $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank – cyber thieves seem to have created one hell of havoc throughout the globe.

This brings us to the simple question if cyber security is even possible? Given that almost all the available anti-virus solutions and firewalls seem to be redundant and nonfunctional, this question is yelling for an appropriate answer. But to assume that internet security is just a ‘utopian idea,’ would be rather far-fetched. With two major internet security protocol bodies ISOC and OTA announcing their merger, the only message which one gets loud and clear is – Internet security is a serious business, and every possible step is being taken to address the issue.

Internet maturity and internet security

A mature internet security space is well-equipped with a functional infrastructure which provides a thick layer of protection against malignant online activities. Governments across the globe, as well as all the major organizations in the private sector,  are continuously working towards improving incident response capabilities and enhancing the internet security net. At the same time, all of them accept that once online, the chances of being a victim of the cyber-attack is rather high.

Proactive threat audit assessment, efficient incident management, along with regular review and practice of social engineering policies are steps towards building a mature security wall. Password hygiene, zero tolerance security system, and dual authentication access control are critical features. Given the pressing demand for cyber security, our market analysts expect the market for internet security to record a CAGR of 10% by 2021.

Takeaway from Technavio

The Internet has emerged as that common thread which can bind the world around us. This perhaps is also the main reason why any data theft can have huge repercussions. The best possible solution is being proactive and reviewing the security policies at regular intervals.

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