
Renewable energy

Curbs, Crisis or Catching Up? Graphite Electrode Manufacturers May be Surprised.

With regulations galore in recent times targeting the steel industry, and the graphite electrode manufacturing industry in turn, can graphite electrode prices be expected to stabilize? It was in 1918 that Tokai Carbon set up shop for carbon-based electrodes in Tokyo, Japan. It remains one of the most established graphite electrode manufacturers in the world, even as…

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Renewable energy

Engineering Outsourcing Services to Soar Despite Regulations

With ongoing concerns about regulations affecting engineering outsourcing services and other outsourcing services providers, the industry has continued to innovate to improve efficiency and beat bearish market expectations. With a steady rise in the number of businesses seeking to enhance core operations, IT and BPO outsourcing services continue to see growth, especially in countries like India….

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Athletic Footwear

Athletic Footwear: Top 14 Vendors in the USA

The athletic footwear industry is on the move in the US. This astonishing growth is attributed to the wave of health-consciousness sweeping through the population. Thus, fitness-conscious customers, people popularizing athleisure as a style, gym goers and people who use sportswear during mild fitness routines, are looking for the most functional, comfortable and robust athletic footwear…

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Scuba Diving Equipment

Scuba Diving Equipment Market: Top-5 Vendors in 2018

Today, water sports have turned into a popular recreational activity, especially amongst the urban population. Consequently, the demand for specialist scuba diving equipment is on an exponential rise. The good news for scuba diving equipment manufacturers is that even emerging economies are joining in the fun. And, this popularity will see further spikes in the foreseeable future…

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Bakery Market

Dough it Profitably: Top 5 Vendors in the Global Bakery Market

Ironically, it’s the global bakery market that is making the most of society’s growing insistence on healthy living. The millennials are prime demographic and their incremented disposable income is powering a resurgent and highly versatile industry. The demand for gluten-free and organic bakery items gaining steam and premium range of baked food products is finding a niche…

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