Billing software include several diverse functions such as pricing management, rating,partner management and service authorization. Discounting and promotions,billing cycle and financial management, as well as payment & collections, are some of the other functions of this software.
How can telecommunication service providers easily manage billing processes and functions? TechNavio Insights has just published the report “Telecom Billing Software 2008-2011” in order to illustrate this panorama.
The global communications industry is characterized by rapidly growing subscription bases together with an increase in competition owing to industry deregulation, and more importantly a shift towards convergence.
Coupled with a rapidly growing prepaid customer base in the emerging markets of Middle East and Asia-Pacific, “expansion of product portfolios and multi-partner relationships among service providers are some of the reasons transforming the billing software market, says one of the TechNavioTM experts.
However, the focus seems to be now changing towards controlling telecommunication costs and increasing revenue. The reasons being growing demand for new services such as fixed mobile convergence services coupled with complex underlying technologies and lack of resources and tools.
TechNavioTM Insights has collected in this report relevant data such as the key market trends observed in the Telecom Billing Software market. You will also find out information about software, hardware, services and communication segments under
Telecom Billing Software 2008-2011