If you happen to work in the VoIP Equipment sector, there is not much you should be worried about. Though the Credit crunch has generally affected all business sectors, the Enterprise VoIP Equipment does not seem to be facing many difficulties.
TechNavioTM Insights assure that the VoIP Equipment sector is definitely the fastest growing segment of the global Enterprise Network Equipment Market.
But what are the reasons that lead to this fast growth? Work environment constantly demands highly flexible interoperable network infrastructures, and this has led to the introduction of enhanced services and unified communications applications. In fact, the enterprises are now beginning to migrate from traditional PBX communication systems to pure IP-based PBX systems and VoIP-enabled communications networks.
Reasons contributing to the rapid growth of this sector are cost savings, interoperability, and the flexibility offered by both IP PBX equipment and IP Telephony, all of which is done through ease of implementation and administration.
If your company operates in this market and you are looking to take a big step forward, you might find it interesting to have a look at the Enterprise VoIP Equipment Technology Report “ 2008, which TechNavioTM Insights offer you this week. The report provides a segmentation of the total market into various geographic regions, verticals and the market size forecasts, and helps you explore the opportunities for the top five verticals of the Enterprise VoIP Equipment market.
Has the Enterprise VoIP Equipment sector also entered into recession?