Renewable energy

Market Dynamics of the Aerospace Components Sector to Change with the Growing New Aircraft Fleets

Technavio market research analysts foresee positive growth for many segments of the aerospace components sector in the next five years. In their recent findings, Technavio talks about three booming markets under the aerospace components sector that are anticipated to generate considerable revenues and grow at a consistent rate during the forecast period. Purchase these reports…

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Renewable energy

Market Research Analyst Expects the Development of Special Mission Platforms in the Americas to Spur Growth in the MPA Market

  Technavio, a tech-focused market research firm, has published a new report on the global maritime patrol aircraft market, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 5% during the forecast period 2017-2021. Based on geographical segmentation, Technavio’s market researchers categorize the global maritime patrol aircraft market into the following key regions:…

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Renewable energy

Market Research Analysts Identify the Growing Development of Ship-based Missiles to Fuel Demand in the Fast Attack Craft Market

  The global fast attack craft market was valued at more than USD 2 billion in 2016 and is expected to surpass USD 3 billion by 2021, says Technavio. Technavio has announced its latest market research report on the global fast attack craft market, under its defense portfolio. This market analysis discusses the major drivers…

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Renewable energy

Market Research Report by Technavio Foresees Fly-by-wire Aircraft Technology to Spur the Demand for Aircraft Vertical Stabilizers

  The global aircraft vertical stabilizers market was valued at USD 620 million in 2016 and is expected to surpass USD 736 million by 2021, says Technavio. Technavio has announced its latest market research report on the global aircraft vertical stabilizers market, under its aerospace portfolio. This market analysis discusses the major drivers and key…

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Renewable energy

Increasing Focus on Weapons Procurement to Propel the Demand for Stun Guns in the Global Market, says Technavio

  Technavio, a tech-focused market research firm, has published a new report on the global stun gun market, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 8% during the forecast period, 2017-2021. Based on geographical segmentation, Technavio market researchers categorize the global stun gun market into the following key regions: the Americas,…

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Renewable energy

Technavio Says Rising Crimes in the US to Boost Growth in the Global Non-Lethal Weapon Market

  Technavio, a tech-focused market research firm, has published a new report on the global non-lethal weapon market, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 6% during the forecast period 2017-2021. Based on geographical segmentation, Technavio market researchers categorize the global non-lethal weapon market into the following key regions: the Americas,…

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Renewable energy

Military Satellite Payloads and Subsystems – Market Trends, Drivers, and Forecast from Technavio

  According to Technavio’s latest market research study, the global military satellite payloads and subsystems market will grow at a CAGR of more than 5% during the forecast period, 2017-2021. This report by Technavio provides an in-depth analysis of the global military satellite payloads and subsystems market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends….

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Renewable energy

Technavio Expects Extensive Investments in the Global Aerospace Fasteners Market Due to the Rising Military Aircraft Programs

  Technavio, a tech-focused market research firm, has published a new report on the global aerospace fasteners market, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 7% during the forecast period 2017-2021. Based on geographical segmentation, Technavio market researchers categorize the global aerospace fasteners market into the following key regions: the Americas,…

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