
What is VoLTE and When Will We Get to Use It?

In 2009, a number of leading telecom companies jointly developed a technical profile to provide voice and SMS services over the all-IP LTE network. The technical specifications are included in the document IR.92 by the GSMA in order to consolidate the LTE services and are based on the existing 3GPP standards. Today, Voice over LTE…

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Sales of Natural Personal Care Products Booming in the US

People across the globe—and in the US in particular, are becoming increasingly conscientious of the dangers of the various chemicals and additives that we put not only in, but on our bodies. As such, consumers are spending more and more on organic personal care products like moisturizers, lip balms, hair oils, shampoos, perfumes, talcum powders,…

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Global Security Scares Prompt Massive Deployment of AFIs

Turn on any news station, and you’re likely to be faced with a barrage of news stories about armed robberies, government scandals, and international attacks. Sadly, the old saying “you can’t trust anyone these days” is becoming more relevant than ever, leading to a global demand for high-security solutions—one of the most popular of which…

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Flexible Displays in Smartphones: The Race is On

Just a few days ago, Frank Lee, the spokesperson for LG Electronics announced to the media that the Korean company will start mass production of flexible displays by this year’s fourth quarter. The company plans on releasing their first flexible display smartphone to consumers before 2014. LG’s announcement of smartphones enabled with the technology is…

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