Advanced Capacity Management and DCIM Solutions: A Business Necessity

Digital Content Market

In the turbulent economy of the 21st century, enterprises both small and large alike are struggling to maintain their profit margins, and doing everything they can to avoid unnecessary capital expenditures. One of the most impactful ways companies are cutting costs, is by using advanced capacity management: a comprehensive solution which addresses the major issues such as computing resource management, resource deployment, space planning, capacity planning, and data center infrastructure maintenance

Dan Mascola, Product Manager of Vigilent Intelligent Energy Management Systems comments on advanced capacity management, remarking:


Dan Mascola, Product Manager of Vigilent Intelligent Energy Management Systems

“Gaining more capacity from existing resources saves money and becomes an increasingly competitive advantage. We believe that, as companies are realizing the risk and cost of non-managed energy consumption, they are increasingly turning to services and products intended to provide this management. These services and products are being consolidated into a term called Data Center Infrastructure Management or DCIM.”



The verity of Mascola’s words is reflected by how rapidly the Global Data Center Infrastructure Market has grown in just the past few years. As of 2013, the market size for DCIM solutions is hovering near the $US 500 million mark, and it’s expected to continue expanding at CAGR of 47.1 percent through to 2016.

Despite these glaringly optimistic stats and the obvious benefits of advanced capacity management however, not all potential end-users are on board. One of the major challenges being faced by vendors in the Global Data Center Infrastructure Management market is the hesitation among enterprises to adopt DCIM systems due to concerns that these solutions require a long time to implement.

Another hindrance is consumer’s perception of a considerable amount of risk associated with DCIM solutions. The major adopters of advanced capacity management are large companies with huge infrastructures to be maintained and therefore have extremely high risk-taking capabilities in the market.

The key to overcoming both of these challenges will be educating enterprises on the features and adoption pattern of DCIM systems, and to provide sufficient guidance regarding the adoption cycle. It is also critical that vendors emphasize the network topology designs; mission-critical applications; and security features that are been incorporated into advanced capacity management solutions to increase the efficiency of operations and minimize the risks involved.

Ultimately when it comes down to it, the obstacles associated with the Data Center Infrastructure Management are pale in comparison to the massive benefits of the technology which is why it’s safe to bet on big things for the market’s future. In fact, we at TechNavio don’t think it’s too far of stretch say that in the next few years, DCIM solutions will be not just a business advantage, but rather, a business necessity.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 market research report on the Global Data Center Infrastructure Management.