Global Security Scares Prompt Massive Deployment of AFIs

Turn on any news station, and you’re likely to be faced with a barrage of news stories about armed robberies, government scandals, and international attacks. Sadly, the old saying “you can’t trust anyone these days” is becoming more relevant than ever, leading to a global demand for high-security solutions—one of the most popular of which is the automated fingerprint identification system.

Automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIs) are particularly favoured in Government sectors where they are used in both Civil and Criminal segments. Civil AFIS is used for border control applications such as national ID cards, tax IDs, e-passports, visa issuance, and refugee tracking, while Criminal AFIS are used to ensure public safety other legal issues.

Below is a chart of some of the largest government-based automated fingerprint identification initiatives:


Name of the Organization




International Criminal Police Organization


National Police Agency of Japan (NPA) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

United Kingdom

Home office and Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA)


Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)


European Police Office (Europol)


New South Wales Police (NSW)

New Zealand

New Zealand Police

Republic of South Africa

South African Police Service (SAPS)


This list grows longer every day, largely because of the following trends

  • Rapid adoption of AFIs by governments in developing countries.
  • Availability of customized AFIs Applications
  • Large identity projects adopting multiple biometrics
  • Introduction of Open Architecture

As key-vendors of automated fingerprint identification systems begin to deploy these trends, there is little doubt that that AFI market will see huge expansion in the government world, as well as other realms like the financial, aerospace, and medical sectors.

The fact is, in today’s world the word “trust” is becoming less and less operative, and the idea of “good faith” is quickly being overtaken by high-tech security measures. For this reason, we think it’s safe to say that automated fingerprint identification systems are here to stay.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 report on the Global Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems Market.