big data in healthcare

Big Data in Healthcare: Higher Spending Expected in 2019

The global healthcare industry is currently booming, triggering higher demand for patient care management and medical innovations. One such major development is the adoption of big data in healthcare across the globe. Nowadays, an increasing number of hospitals and medical organizations are focusing on using big data and analytics to make healthcare services more effective,…

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Military Armored Vehicle market

Military Armored Vehicle Market Trends: Active Protection Systems Leading the Technological Advancements

The military armored vehicle market is one of the major segments of the global defence industry and has been witnessing strong growth in recent years, mainly fuelled by the instability and unpredictability in the international diplomatic and geopolitical environment. The advances of military armored vehicle technologies, which combine innovations from sectors like weaponry, automotive, material…

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online auction

Online Auction Market is Booming, Backed by Artificial Intelligence

The online auction market, a newly emerged segment of the auction sector, has been witnessing a strong and steady growth in recent years. Auctions are increasingly moving to online platforms due to its numerous advantages, such as easy bidding, quick transactions, and huge flexibility in terms of time and locations. With the help of advanced…

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wind turbine manufacturing

Global Wind Turbine Manufacturing Industry Grows, Boosting the Demand of Wind Turbine Components

The global wind turbine manufacturing industry continues to grow substantially in 2019, driving the demand of wind turbine components to reach a new height. According to the latest industry data from BloombergNEF (BNEF), the world’s major wind turbine manufacturers commissioned over 45 GW of onshore wind turbines globally in 2018, compared with 47 GW a…

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devops tools

DevOps Tools Market: Rapid Growth Expected by 2022

The global DevOps tools market has remained strong, growing at a steady growth rate in recent years. With rapid development of IT infrastructure and software applications across various of industries around the world, the demand for advanced DevOps tools and platforms is expected to be higher than ever, driving the growth of the global DevOps…

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vr in education

VR in Education: How Virtual Reality Has Transformed School Teaching in 2019

Virtual reality used in education is becoming increasingly popular and this trend will continue as market growth is expected to witness a significant boom over the next five years. Many industry experts believe that the introduction of virtual reality (VR) technology for educational purposes is offering the best solution to improve the way of conventional…

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Future of Blockchain

The Future of Blockchain: Top 5 Industries Expected to be Transformed by Blockchain

Blockchain technology has already caused a big stir in the global financial industry, creating substantial changes in the sector in terms of how people conduct financial transactions. Blockchain’s impact is so large in the financial sector that its technical innovations may be enough to revolutionize the global economy. However, this technology is not just stopping…

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