Market Research Analysis on Automotive Haptic Technology by Technavio

Renewable energy


According to the latest market research study by Technavio, the global automotive haptic technology market is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 30% during the forecast period 2017 to 2021.

This report by Technavio provides an in-depth analysis of the global automotive haptic technology market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends. The report also includes an up-to-date analysis and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.

Technavio research analysts categorize the market based on the application

                                                                                                                             Source: Technavio

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The top three revenue contributing application segments are discussed below

Global automotive haptic technology market for accelerator: Haptic technology is a comparatively new technology in the automotive sector and is yet to be applied in cars. Few players have announced the introduction of haptic accelerator pedals in their cars.

“The regulatory scenario for accelerator appears positive to back up technologies and systems that can contribute to safety and fuel efficiency. To increase the penetration of haptic accelerators in the passenger cars category, manufacturers have already started promoting haptic accelerators’ ability to address the emission and safety standards set by the global regulatory bodies,” says Siddarth Jaiswal, a lead analyst at Technavio for research on automotive electronics.

Such increasing promotions indicate that the haptic accelerator pedal will be a USP for OEMs that are focusing on introducing autonomous driving functionalities in their vehicles. It is expected that the cost will decline and this will increase the penetration level of haptic accelerator pedals in automobiles during the forecast period.

Global automotive haptic technology market for HMI: Haptic HMI is mostly installed in premium and luxury automobiles, so the haptic HMI market is projected to experience an impressive growth during the forecast period. The growth is mostly due to the increase in demand for premium and luxury vehicles, and swelling demand for high-end infotainment systems, etc.

Global automotive haptic technology market for steering: The haptic steering segment is likely to witness robust growth during the forecast period owing to the devices’ ability to prevent distracted driving and aid while driving.

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The top vendors operating in the global automotive haptic technology market are:

  • Alps Electric
  • Continental
  • Panasonic
  • Valeo
  • Visteon

The other prominent vendors in the market include DAESUNG, Marquardt, Methode Electronics, SMK, and TOKAIRIKA.

A more detailed analysis is available in the Technavio report titled, ‘Global Automotive Haptic Technology Market 2017-2021’. Technavio also customizes reports by other regions and specific segments upon request.

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