UAV Flight Training and Simulation – Market Trends, Drivers, and Forecast from Technavio

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According to Technavio’s latest market research study, the global UAV and flight simulation market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 7% during the forecast period, 2017-2021.

This report by Technavio provides an in-depth analysis of the global UAV flight training and simulation market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends. The report also includes an up-to-date analysis and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.

Technavio research analysts categorize the market based on the type

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The top three revenue contributing type segments are discussed below

Global UAV flight training and simulation market for HALE UAVs: Simulators for high-altitude long endurance (HALE) UAVs are customized in accordance with the HALE UAV model, with different topographic visuals and real-time scenarios in a virtual environment. HALE UAV simulators use pre-programmed way points that can be modified according to the mission controller for real-time effects.

UAVs are currently being integrated with trajectory planning modes (establish safe paths with inter-linking), Simultaneous Localization and Mapping algorithms, or autonomous navigation planning. Such new technologies that are being integrated with the UAVs drive the need for skilled operators to operate highly advanced HALE UAVs,” says Avimanyu Basu, a lead analyst at Technavio for research on aerospace.

Global UAV flight training and simulation market for MALE UAVs: MALE UAV simulators adopt synthetic aperture radars to create a synthetic environment for training. These radars generate high-resolution images and can operate in extreme weather conditions.

Global UAV flight training and simulation market for SUAVs: Small unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAVs) find application in gathering information on measurement of geophysical processes associated with natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricane, and volcanoes; agriculture; mining; and defense industry. Miniaturization of electronics is one of the fundamental driving forces behind the development of SUAVs.

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Top vendors operating in the global UAV flight training and simulation market are:

  • CAE
  • Israel Aerospace Industries
  • L-3 Link Simulation & Training
  • Selex
  • Simlat

Other prominent vendors in the market include BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, Textron Systems, and Thales Training & Simulation.

A more detailed market study is available in the Technavio report titled, ‘Global UAV Flight Training and Simulation Market 2017-2021’. Technavio also customizes reports by other regions and specific segments upon request.

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