Super Fruit Juices – Market Trends, Drivers, and Growth Prospects until 2021

Renewable energy


According to Technavio’s latest market research study, the global super fruit juices market is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 12% during the forecast period, 2017-2021.

This report by Technavio provides an in-depth analysis of the global super fruit juices market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends. The report also includes an up-to-date analysis and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.

Technavio research analysts categorize the market based on the product type

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The top three revenue contributing product segments are discussed below:

Global 100% super fruit juices market: These juices are rich in nutrients such as antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. The demand for these juices is high in developed countries where the purchasing power of the consumers is high. The market for 100% super-fruit juices during the forecast period is expected to be driven by the rising demand from high-end customers.

100% super fruit juices contain the natural sweetness of super fruits such as pomegranate, cherry, blueberry, blackberry, and others. Preservatives, artificial colors, or quality enhancers are not added at any step of the production process. Pure Fruit Technologies‘ Mangoxan juices is one of the popular 100% super fruit juices and contains a combination of fruits rich in xanthones and antioxidants,” says Manjunath Reddy, a lead analyst at Technavio for research on non-alcoholic beverages.

Global 0-24% super fruit juices market: These juices have 0-24% super fruit juice content, and the rest is water and artificial sweeteners and are priced lower than 100% super fruit juices. Price-conscious customers from developing markets are the key end-users of 0-24% super fruit juices in the global super fruit juice market.

Global nectars market: Nectars are a type of non-carbonated soft drink made by muddling the flesh of fruits. They contain other ingredients such as water, sweeteners, and preservatives. Owing to growing consumer awareness of the adverse health effects of artificial sweeteners and other added preservatives used in nectars, this product segment is projected to grow at a lower rate than the other two segments of super fruit juices between 2017 and 2020.

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The top vendors operating in the global super fruit juices market are:

  • PepsiCo
  • Coca-Cola
  • Genesis Today
  • POM Wonderful
  • Ocean Spray

Other prominent vendors in the market include Fave Juice Company, Campbell’s, Del Monte, Nafoods Group, Optima Health & Nutrition, XANGO, LACNOR, Onebev, and MOA Superfood.

A more detailed analysis is available in the Technavio report titled, ‘Global Super Fruit Juices Market 2017-2021’. Technavio also customizes reports by other regions and specific segments upon request.

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