Geiger Counter Market – Market Trends, Drivers, and Forecast from Technavio

Renewable energy


According to the latest market research study by Technavio, the global Geiger counter market is expected to grow at a CAGR of close to 6% during the forecast period 2017 to 2021.

This report by Technavio provides an in-depth analysis of the global Geiger counter market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends. The report also includes a competitive vendor landscape and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.

Technavio research analysts categorize the market based on the end-user

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The top three revenue contributing end-user segments are discussed below:

Global Geiger counter market for industrial end-users: Industrial end-users primarily include manufacturing industries and nuclear power plants. The global Geiger counter market for industrial end-users is expected to grow at a fast rate. The growth can be attributed to the rise in nuclear power plants in developing countries for electricity generation and in manufacturing industries that contribute significantly to the economy.

“The growth of these industries has a positive influence on the global Geiger counter market since these industries use radioactive substances and high levels of radiation for various applications. For the protection of workers, it is crucial to measure the dose of radiation emitted. Hence, manufacturers in the market offer various Geiger counters for detecting and measuring radiation emitted by radioactive substances, which could reduce the risk of radiation exposure by measuring and detecting accurate levels of radiation,” says Abhay Sinha, a lead analyst at Technavio.

Global Geiger counter market for healthcare end-users: The global Geiger counter market for healthcare end-users is driven by the increasing use of radioactive isotopes for therapeutic applications such as medical imaging, cancer treatment, and radiation sterilization of healthcare products. Apart from therapeutic applications, radioactive substances are also present in the solid waste generated from hospitals. These are regularly inspected and measured using portable Geiger counter as it can detect all types of radiation and is cost-effective.

Global Geiger counter market for defense and law enforcement end-users: The global Geiger counter market for defense and law enforcement end-users is anticipated to experience moderate growth during the forecast period. The growth is due to the increasing safety and security near borders and coastal lines, which requires radiation measurement to ensure security from radioactive substances. Radiation meters consisting of Geiger counters are commonly used near borders or secure facilities to screen individuals, vehicles, and cargo.

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The top vendors operating in the global Geiger counter market are:

  • Ludlum Measurements
  • Mirion Technologies
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific

The other prominent vendors in the market include Arrow-Tech, ECOTEST, FLIR Systems, Fuji Electric, Gamma-Scout, International Medcom, John Caunt Scientific, Quarta-Rad, Polimaster, S.E. International, and SOEKS USA.              

A more detailed analysis is available in the Technavio market research report titled, ‘Global Geiger counter Market 2017-2021’. Technavio also customizes reports by other regions and specific segments upon request.

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