What's New

banking software

BI (Business Intelligence) Banking Software: Bank IT Spending was Up Due to Rising Demand in 2014

In 2014 Technavio analysts noted the expected increase investment in BI banking software.  Today, this has vaulted past big data and into ai (artificial intelligence) and machine learning. BI or also bibanking is no longer a single solution, but a toolkit of data visualization, adaptive learning, and competitive intelligence all rolled into a bundle. This is…

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online gaming

The Game is on! Here are the Top 15 Online Gaming Companies

Online gaming has emerged as one of the most lucrative businesses in the entertainment industry. The transition from consoles to digital platforms has resulted in the building of the industry’s first fund dedicated to gaming – GAMR. Here are the top 15 online gaming companies responsible for bringing the industry “in the midst of a…

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digital health

Digital Health: The Future of Healthcare is Already Here

The prospect that digital health technology is essential to making  care convenient has pushed the stakeholders in the health industry to collaborate with technology developers. Portable diagnostic equipment, telemedicine tools, mobile healthcare apps, data-driven software – these are a few popular digital tools that  have changed the mechanics of healthcare delivery. Read: Future of Health…

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travel and tourism

Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends in The Travel and Tourism Industry

There is no denying that the role of digital technology is rapidly shifting, from being a driver of marginal efficiency to an enabler of innovation and disruption. Moreover, the travel and tourism sector has been at the forefront of digital disruption for decades, constantly changing the way people travel. Every day, new and innovative travel…

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halal cosmetics

Halal Cosmetics is Booming with Rising Demand for Natural Products

Organic, vegan and eco-friendly have all become the most common terms in the personal care and cosmetic industry, but halal is the latest and emerging trend. Not so long ago, the word ‘halal’ meant an activity permissible to undertake or the food that was safe to eat. However, in today’s increasingly ethical and ecologically conscious…

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in-flight entertainment

In-Flight Entertainment Industry is Set to Fly High in 2018

Gone are the days when the only form of entertainment for passengers in flight was talking to a fellow passenger, looking out the window or reading books. As air travel became increasingly popular, the airline industry recognized the importance of improving passengers’  experiences in an increasingly competitive sector, and in-flight entertainment (IFE) is at the…

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