
Interactive Kiosks Market Witnesses Global Growth

With the recent booms in the retail, healthcare, entertainment, and travel industries, it’s getting increasingly difficult for businesses to provide enough salespeople and customer service agents to meet their clients’ needs. Interactive Kiosks were invented to solve this problem by offering a means of helping customers get information about various products and services without face…

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Digital Content Market

3 Keys to Success in the Microfinance Market

Microfinance began as a manner of empowering the low income segment by boosting their economic activities with the help of microcredit facilities, but has evolved over the past two decades into a serious market with a lot of profit potential. Indeed, as of 2013 the Global Microfinance Market is valued at a whopping  US$99.56 billion and that  number…

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Data Center UPS Systems in High Global Demand

Data centers are emerging as core computing hubs for enterprises across the globe. Instead of localized computing, enterprises are opting for a centralized computing structure which allows equipment and peripherals to be hosted in one centralized facility. Obviously such a computing structure also comes with a lot of risk—for instance, the entire network infrastructure of…

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Data Saves the Day for the Mobile Service Market

These days it seems like we use our phones for virtually everything, whether it’s talking, texting, e-mailing, finding directions, or just browsing the web. Together, all of these functions comprise  The Global Mobile Service Market , which currently nets at a whopping US$995 billion. This market is about to witness some huge changes however, namely with respect…

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