E-Waste Management Collection Services Vital for Governments

In the 21st century it seems like a new model of smartphone, tablet, or laptop is released every day. This might be great for us technology fanatics who thrive on staying up-to-date with the latest electronics, but the fallout is an “e-waste graveyard” full of devices that were abandoned after the release of “the next best thing”.

Why do we need E-Waste Management Collection Services?

As you can see from the graphic to the right, the sheer number of electronics we purchase, use, and subsequently toss out daily adds up quickly—and it’s not just a matter of taking up space. When e-waste is dumped improperly it pollutes the environment making it unsuitable for human habitation. E-Waste management collection services are being increasingly summoned by the governments across the globe and are becoming a necessity.

Resulting, governments across the globe are pushing for E-Waste Management Collection Services to become a standard recycling effort. Such initiatives are good for the environment, and the waste collections market which is expected to climb close to the $US 1 billion mark by 2016 in the E-Waste Management sector alone. 

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For instance, in the US (the current leader in the E-Waste Management Collection Services Market), EPA and the United Nations Environment Program have formulated rules and regulations to encourage the reuse and recycling of e-waste in the US. In all the states of the US, except California, producer-responsibility approach is brought in by the US government, while it is mandatory for electronic product manufacturers to pay for the recycling process.

Likewise in Canada, which holds the second position in the market, 6 of 10 provinces have mandated stewardship plans in the electronics industry to hold producers accountable for their environmental impact. The nation also legislates export and import of hazardous waste and hazardous recyclable material regulations, which prohibits the transport of electronics that are no longer intact.  

Similar initiatives are being undertaken in Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, and across the European Union. As such efforts are implemented in more and more nations, the demand for electronics collection and recycling services will only continue to expand.  

Ultimately, the health of this market comes down to one simple fact: we’ve got one Earth, and we’ve got to take care of it. As important as our electronics are to us in the 21st century, our planet is even more and this premise is the foundation of the Global Collection Services market in the E-Waste Management Industry.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 report on the Global E-Waste Market in the Collections Industry.