Data Center UPS Systems in High Global Demand


Data centers are emerging as core computing hubs for enterprises across the globe. Instead of localized computing, enterprises are opting for a centralized computing structure which allows equipment and peripherals to be hosted in one centralized facility. Obviously such a computing structure also comes with a lot of risk—for instance, the entire network infrastructure of a company could collapse in the case of a short power failure or disturbance.

In order to address this issue before catastrophe strikes, enterprises are spending more and more data center UPS systems to ensure their networks are safe and secure. From this demand for infrastructural security, the Data Center UPS Market is swelled into a multi-billion dollar industry, and it’s forecasted to continue growing at a CAGR of 6.46 for the 2012-2016 period.

The largest portion of these numbers comes from the Americas, who boast the largest number of data center facilities across the globe. These facilities require high-precision data center power management tools—for instance, UPS solutions. And, with higher demand every year for cloud computing services and cloud-based applications being accessed over the internet, the call for data center UPS solutions will only continue to climb.

Next up, is the EMEA region—particularly the UK, Germany, France, Turkey, and South Africa. Although most of the countries in the EMEA region are recovering from an economic slowdown, hindering many companies’ capital investments, the demand for data center facilities and UPS solutions is still growing thanks to the increase in volume of digital content in enterprises.

Lastly, we have the APAC region which is witnessing the fastest adoption of data center UPS solution—especially in China and Japan, though Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, and India are also witnessing growing demand. Further, due to the growing demand for modular data center components in the APAC, vendors of data center UPS systems are introducing modular data center UPS solutions which are now in greater demand than traditional UPS solutions.

The market sizes in all three of these regions are almost guaranteed to continue their upward rise as data centers become increasingly ubiquitous with the business world. The health of the data center industry can be measured by the sheer number of vendors participating in the market, including Belkin International, Clary Corp, Schneider, Emerson, and Toshiba  just to name a few. As the implementation of data centers increases across the globe, so too will revenues from UPS solutions, making this market an excellent field to invest and participate in.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 report on the Global Data Center UPS Market.