Winter Tire Market in Canada Gains Traction Thanks to Government Mandates

In 2008, Québec declared added a new law under the Highway Safety Code making winter tires mandatory from December 15th to March 15th for all taxis and passenger vehicles registered in the province.  In addition, beginning mid December 2014, all winter tires must:

  • Bear the pictogram representing a mountain with a superimposed snowflake


  • Be equipped with studs and be used in accordance with the Regulation respecting the use of non-skid devices on the tires of certain road vehicles.

Quebec is a province which experiences severe winters and witnesses several accidents due to the wet, slippery, icy, slushy, and snowy roads. By mandating the use of winter tires, the government hopes to prevent 570 accidents each winter.  It has also led to huge spike in sales since 2009 which is driving the Winter Tire market in Canada which is expected to post a CAGR of 3.16 percent for the 2014-2018 period.

While Quebec is the only province to mandate the use of winter tires, many drivers from all across Canada choose to equip their vehicles with weather appropriate tires because of their countless safety benefits.  When the roads are covered with snow and ice, they tend to be highly slippery and it increases the chances for road accidents or collisions. The use of winter tires provide immense grip/traction for vehicles and better stability and control when braking or making turns, which helps reduce the number of accidents and causalities.

As winter tires are made of softer rubber than that present in all-season tires and have deep treads and studs, it makes them highly reliable on slippery roads when compared to all-season tires or regular summer tires. The flexible rubber material in the tires is also less prone to harden in colder temperatures. Thus, in places such as Canada where winters are harsh and long, it is always beneficial to use winter tires for improved safety.

It must be noted however, that despite the immense road grip/traction provided by winter tires, these tires cannot be used in other seasons as they are tougher on roads. Winter tires are designed to provide the vehicle with immense grip on ice and snow but this tends to affect tarred roads because of the studs used in the tires. If these tires are used across the year, roads will get damaged and deteriorate.

Fortunately, many vendors offer studdless tires which are the most popular type of winter tires available. These tires are gaining popularity as they are best suited for ice and are not very effective on dry or wet surfaces. They have an edge over the studdable tires as they are much smoother on roads and do not cause any damage and are expected to help the Winter Tire market in Canada gain traction in the years to come.

For more information, view our 2014-2018 report on the Winter Tire Market in Canada.

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