Protein Therapeutics Vendors See Unprecedented Demand in 2012-2016

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In 1980, DNA-derived insulin was launched on the pharmaceutical market, opening the gates to a wide range of therapeutic proteins that would change the face of the medical world forever.

In addition to insulin, the list of therapeutic proteins now includes:

  •  Monoclonal antibodies
  •  Erythropoietin
  •  Interferson
  •  G-CSF
  •  Blood clotting factors
  •  Follicle stimulating hormones

These treatments are prescribed for a wide array of conditions including nutrient deficiency diseases; cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, diabetes; other infections such as HIV, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C; as well as genetic disorders, anemic cases related to kidney dialysis, and cancer-related anemia.

This list is expected to grow even longer in the next few years as the treatment methodology for chronic diseases is expected to shift from conventional drugs to therapeutic proteins. Indeed, after extensive research and analysis, TechNavio is confident in forecasting a CAGR of 7.08 percent for the Global Protein Therapeutics market for the 2012-2016 period, and an increase in market size of more than $US 20 billion.

A good part of this increased demand for therapeutic proteins will come from the Americas, which accounted for nearly half of all market revenue in 2012. This dominance stems from an increasing prevalence of cancer as well as autoimmune and inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and psoriasis.

Since effective cures for these conditions have yet to be discovered, the need for therapeutic proteins and other symptomatic treatments is not expected to plateau anytime soon. As well, in the past few years the market has witnessed a huge increase in R and D activities, meaning that the pipeline for therapeutic proteins is very optimistic.

For instance, Abbott, Amgen, and J&J and other vendors are increasingly focusing on enhancing the efficacy of monoclonal drugs such as Humira, Vectibix, and Remicade. Meanwhile, other vendors in the market are also increasing their investment in R and D to develop effective drugs for the treatment of Hepatitis C.

With all this considered, we at TechNavio are eager to see where the Global Protein Therapeutics Market goes in the next four years-we’re betting that it will be nowhere but up!

For more info, see our 2012-2016 report on the Global Protein Therapeutics Market 2012-2016.