Diameter Signaling Controllers Set to Soar Along with IMS and LTE Networks

Digital Content Market

Diameter signaling has been around for a while now, and has grown to become the industry standard for data signalling for IMS/LTE networks. That said, although the technology is great at what it does, it hasn’t made too big of a splash in the consumer electronics because of the limited number of IMS and LTE users. We’ve been monitoring the market for some time now however, and predict that in the next few years Diameter signalling is about to get really big as a result of the increasing numbers of smart mobile devices and network providers offering LTE data platforms.

More than 150 LTE networks have been deployed across 66 countries and another 286 LTE networks are expected to be deployed during the next four years. This increase in the number of subscribers and the subsequent signaling traffic from mobile devices leads to the risk of massive network congestion.

Dan Wonak, Director of Business Operations at Diametriq, comments on the impact of this network evolution stating the following:

”While LTE networks have been established for some time, roaming between LTE networks is in its infancy. All LTE operators preparing to roam will need a Diameter Edge Agent for security and topology hiding.”

In addition to preventing data overload on LTE networks, Diameter signaling controllers also offer the following benefits:

  •  Organize and simplify the arrangement of Diameter components
  •  Provide Diameter scalability and interoperability between all networks (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, etc)
  •  Improve connectivity and control in IP networks

Considering the plethora of benefits of this technology and the explosion of signaling traffic expected to hit networks in the next few years, there’s no doubt in our minds that the Global Diameter Signaling Controller Market will see huge success in the 2012-2016 forecast period, and grow at a CAGR of at least 50.73 percent. The uncontainable rate at which mobile devices and networks are evolving demands some sort of means of establishing order, and it just so happens that such a thing can be summarized in three words: Diameter signaling controllers.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 report on the

Global Diameter Signalling Controller Market.