IUD Use Worldwide

We recently wrote about the growing popularity of intrauterine devices (IUDs) as a top choice for female contraception worldwide. Now, Technavio has published a more focused study detailing the trajectory for the global IUD market over the next four years.

China’s one-child policy has made the country a world leader in IUD use

Due to the long lifespan of an IUD—the hormonal version can be effective for up to six years, and the copper version for up to 12—the small devices gained massive popularity in China, where the controversial one-child policy (which was recently repealed) led many women to seek out  longer-term contraceptive choices.

Europe has also seen relatively high use of both copper and hormonal IUDs. Women in America, on the other hand, have been slow to adopt the long-term birth control method, and have generally preferred the pill. This reluctance to use IUDs harkens back to major controversy over the devices, which started in the 70s.

But, as we’ve discussed before, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recently reformulated their opinion of the devices, and strengthened their recommendations vis a vis IUDs.

While side effects like anemia, cramping, infection and pain are all possible, the devices are effective and not as prone to human error as other methods of birth control. This is a big reason why many healthcare providers are starting to recommend IUDs to their patients.

But while this vote of confidence, along with awareness campaigns are expected to encourage more women in the Americas to turn to IUDs, growth in the region will remain tepid through the forecast period, with the IUD market in the Americas only expected to post a cumulative average growth rate of 2.33% from 2014-2019.

Despite slow growth in the Americas, global numbers remain strong

Global projections, however, are strong for the IUD market. According to Technavio’s new report, the market is expected to reach $4.39 million by 2019, growing at a CAGR of 3.44% from 2014-2019.

Many governments, NGOs, and non-profit organizations are actively conducting knowledge sharing sessions and campaigns for spreading information about the importance of family planning and contraception methods, which will have a positive impact on the global IUD market through the projected period.

Technavio analysts have taken a closer look at the number of contraceptive users relying on IUDs, by country:

Note: This data is based on the number of women between the ages of 15-49