Popularity of Health and Fitness is Boosting the Sports Nutrition Market in the US

Dietary Fiber Market

The sports nutrition market in the United States is growing quickly, which is a step in the right direction for a country trying to tackle a major obesity problem. The market was valued $5.9 billion in 2014 and is expected to reach nearly $8.5 billion by 2019.

Sports nutrition market in the US 2014-2019 ($ billions)

Source: Technavio, 2015

The global sports nutrition market was valued at $24.5 billion in 2014, with the US contributing around 24% of the total global revenue in 2014. Due to the increase in obesity and diabetes, there is a growing push for Americans to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The total number of recorded cases of diabetes in the US was around 23.8 million in 2013 and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated more than one third of Americans are obese. Three states now have an obesity prevalence of over 35% and no state has a prevalence of under 20%,

Prevalence of Self-Reported Obesity among U.S. Adults by State, 2014

                Source: Behavorial Risk Factor Surveillance System, CDC


Growing popularity of fitness regimes and programs

The extensive marketing and promotion of sports nutrition products is leading to increasing participation of individuals in various fitness regimes like Zumba, CrossFit, and marathons which is leading to the growth of the sport culture in the US. The Let’s Move health-related initiative was announced by the President’s Council on fitness, sports, and nutrition in 2010. US consumers are getting educated and informed regarding the benefits of physical fitness. This has led to a rise in gym memberships by nearly 2.5% over the last three years.

Increasing demand for protein-based sports nutrition products

Sports nutrition products are currently positioned as health and wellness products which is expanding the customer base beyond professional athletes and bodybuilders, resulting in the maximization of sales. The protein-based products segment is the most profitable sector of the sports nutrition market in the US. In 2014, the revenue from sales in the protein-based products market was nearly $7.8 billion, and more than 60% of it came from the US protein-based products market. Protein-based products are positioned as recovery and meal replacement products. The diverse health benefits such as weight management, strengthening of the immune system, and muscle building have led to higher demand in this segment. Plant-based and animal-based protein drinks are slowly gaining momentum, and companies like Clif Bar are constantly introducing vegan-based protein bars into their product lines.