Digital Content Market

Top 11 HD Set-Top Box (STB) Manufacturers

The Global HD STB Market is facing intense competition market saturation is setting in for developed countries. The market is witnessing intense competition, with the entry of new players leading to a fall in the market share of the existing players and a decline in their profit margins. Vendors are therefore developing new enhanced features in HD Set-Top…

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Digital Content Market

Format Wars No More: DVDs are Dead

Physical media is going the way of the dinosaur, as most folks now choose to download or stream media online. The industry has been giving the eulogy to CDs for a while now, but their cousins, the DVD and Blu-ray disc seemed like they were going to be able to cling to life just a…

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Market Spotlight: OTP Token Authentication

Information is a valuable commodity, and protecting critical data is a complex task. Multi-factor authentication systems are becoming an increasingly popular choice when it comes to securing information, whether it’s at a personal or institutional level. Enter hardware one time password (OTP) token authentication. This is a two-factor authentication solution that enables secure remote network…

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Food Fight: Non-GMO Labelling Pits Consumers and Non-Profits against Global Food Giants

Every consumer knows the deep-seated stress that accompanies decoding food labels. Not only are we meant to be concerned about calories, fat content, sugar and sodium, but now there’s a rash of other buzzwords making their way onto labels. Colourful stickers make grand proclamations like ‘Gluten Free!’ ‘Organic!’ and ‘Non-GMO!’. The latter has been getting…

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Government Initiatives Fuel Demand for Interactive Whiteboard Technologies in Education Sector

The Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) Market is receiving a huge boost in sales thanks to increasing government initiatives aimed at integrating advanced technologies in educational institutions, especially those in developing countries. The Global IWB Market shipped 1.14 million units in 2013 for use by the Education sector, and this is expected to reach 2.31 million units…

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E-Cigarette Market Gaining Steam in India

Over the last few years, the major players in the Tobacco industry have experienced a decline in revenue from the sales of the traditional cigarette due to the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes worldwide. A decrease in their revenue from traditional cigarettes coupled with increased tobacco taxes are forcing them to invest in the Global E-cigarette…

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