What is a Thin Client and How is it Impacting the Client Virtualization Software Market?


Firstly, we regret to inform you that a “thin client” is not a skinny person interested in using the services your company provides.  Though they might not be what you expected, thin clients are transforming the Client Virtualization Software Market, which is expected to post a CAGR of over 46 percent for the 2013-2018 period.  

What is a Thin Client?

A thin client can function as a software program or as a computer system that requires another computer to operate, creating a network. A thin client provides the interface, while the connected network computer processes and stores all of the data.

Thin clients are commonly used for session virtualization where the applications are loaded on a centralized server and thin-clients or end-user devices connect to it to gain access to the applications. The end-user terminals are connected to the application delivery controllers (ADCs) that regulate access to applications being performed on the server, and also maintain the sessions for each client system. These systems are mainly implemented into private cloud environments where the enterprise applications are accessed by the employees and end-users specific to the company.

Session virtualization is a tested model of deploying client virtualization on the end-user systems. Since all the applications are executed on the server end, there is no specific requirement for the end-user terminals. Multiple end-user systems can simultaneously connect to the same server and gain access to the applications. There is an independent thread of execution for every end-user terminal accessing the application. Since a common application is accessed by all the end-users, there is lower scope for customization of the applications according to end-user requirements.

Recently, VXL, a thin client manufacturer, announced the addition of three new products including two System-on-Chip (SoC) models:

  • The Xtona J12-z, SoC, Citrix Ready™ Zero Client
  • The J54 Gio Linux, SoC, Desktop
  • Vtona V200 VMware PCoIP® Zero Client

“Classified as a ‘true’ zero client, the Vtona V200 has no operating system, no device drivers, no fan, no noise and comes complete with class-leading specification including 512MB memory, four USBs and a three year warranty as standard,” according to VXL’s press release.

“Our leadership position in the thin and cloud connection space reflects our ongoing strategy of developing innovative product solutions that meet our customer needs. These competitively priced models stay true to that concept, providing VMware or Citrix users with high performance, low power devices with excellent green credentials,” added Frank Noon, VXL’s VP Worldwide Sales.

Client Virtualization vendors like Citrix Systems, Microsoft, MokaFive, VMWare and NComputing, an emerging vendor, are designing a range of different thin client products for consumers, which is decreasing dependency on end-user systems.

Virtualization of software and services is leading end-users to replace their existing systems with thin-clients that possess minimal computing capability. This model of IT computing can drive down the IT costs associated with desktop provisioning to the end-users. Further, the adoption of client virtualization solutions has led to the increased reliability on desktops and the increasing centralization of the computing and storage of end-user applications and data.

Furthermore, enterprises across the globe are witnessing an increasing need to centralize the storage and management of end-user systems. To enable the centralization of end-user systems, enterprises are adopting client virtualization solutions that store the end-user system images in the centralized server and provide the users access to the images from their thin-clients.

The network administrator holds the privileges to provide access to computing equipment and resources to the end-users as and when required. A dedicated storage and computing resource is allocated to the systems, and additional resources are provided as and when required by the end-user system.

For more information, view our 2014-2018 Global Client Virtualization Software Market report.

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