Virtual Reality Gloves – Taking Online Gaming to a Whole New Level

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Looking for more fun elements in online games? Then perhaps you should give a try to virtual reality (VR) gloves. VR gloves use a combination of hi-tech sensors, to enable the wearer touch, feel, and sense objects in the virtual world. Until now the focus of hardware developers had been on improving graphics, upgrading lenses, bringing down latency, and above all creating believable visual worlds. Hands were never the focus, and even if some work was done on it, the results have not been that user-friendly. However, when Manus came up with VR gloves, the gap between the real and the virtual world reduced a little more.

How do the VR gloves work?

A VR glove is a haptic feedback wireless device which enables users to feel and touch everything on the screen of the VR headset. Typically, the glove consists of:

  • A motherboard
  • An integrated sensor fusion
  • Multiple haptic actuators to simulate touch
  • A conductive fabric to recognize gesture commands

With these gloves the users can experience a real-life simulation in the virtual world, thereby improving the level of interaction between the user and the virtual world to a great extent. For instance, VR gloves allow the user several realistic experiences like touching fire, playing guitar, and holding an object.


VR gloves and online gaming

When it comes to online gaming, a typical VR headset tricks the brain to believe that the environment before the wearer is a real one. VR gloves further layer up this illusion by allowing the user to pick up and drop objects, or use their hands just like they do in the real world. The technology allows instinctive motions, making it easier to play around in the virtual world. As users can now easily employ their hands and play as they do in real life, the VR gloves successfully bring more realism into the virtual gaming system.

The VR gloves are still in a developmental stage, and many VR gaming manufacturers like Oculus, Sony, and Samsung are trying to adopt VR gloves to their products. For instance, in the console gaming segment, VR gloves have great applications. Similarly, VR gloves can be used moderately in PC gaming too. But when it comes to mobile gaming, the scope for VR accessories are quite limited.

Other areas where VR technology is used

Apart from online gaming, the VR is also quite useful in healthcare, military, and aviation sector. Recently, researchers at Duke University found that VR along with exoskeleton robotics helped paraplegic patients regain some movement after mind training activities. Similarly, the VR solution developed by Viscira and Oculus can simulate the impact of schizophrenia. VR gloves, on the other hand, provide immense scope in simulated surgeries.

In the case of the military, the VR technology is employed for efficient navigation, targeting, visual enhancements, and security monitoring. VR gloves are already being adopted in the aviation industry, to provide virtual training on manoeuvring the aircraft.

For an in-depth analysis of the prospects of the virtual reality gloves market

Order the 2016-2020 Report on Global Virtual Reality Gloves Market