Top 10 Education PC Initiatives Across the Globe


Governments and private organizations across the globe are quickly realizing the potential of adopting PCs for educational purposes, and for good reason. The usage of PCs has greatly enhanced the learning process thanks to tremendous growth in the educational content being offered to students on a digital platform.

Here’s a snapshot of 10 of the biggest Education PC initiatives currently underway across the globe!

1. Argentina


Argentina recently adopted a policy called “Conectar Igualdad”, which essentially translated to the provision of one computer per student in the country. This initiative is rapidly changing the nation’s education system in the country, even though it is still in the planning stage, with the government making initial distributions of laptops.

To supplement Conectar Igualdad, the government also renders financing and discount schemes for students who want to buy PCs for their homes.

2. Australia


Computing devices have played a significant role in reaching out to educational institutions in the most remote corners Australia. The Government of Australia is one of the early initiators of the one-to-one computing program and has been successful in the implementation of the program. The penetration figures for PCs are extremely encouraging and students in this country are more fortunate than many others in rest of the APAC region.

Future government initiatives include programs for leasing laptops to teachers and supporting them with other necessary software and training programs. As well, education providers enjoy rebates while buying PCs for their students.

3. India


The Government of India has collaborated with various OEMs to target communities that until now, have had very limited opportunity to use technology in the Education vertical. The government’s prime focus is to provide 21st century IT skills to students—specifically, children aged between 8 and 16.

Apart from learning technology, the government is also focusing on the use of technology for developing creative, logical, and innovative thinking. Multiple government education departments are collaborating with each other to create a standard curriculum across the nation.

4. Malaysia


Malaysia’s government has extensive plans to develop the education system in the country, with a focus on providing computers to underprivileged students.

Other initiatives include complimentary internet access in certain parts of the country, as well as the distribution of free PCs at the university level. As well, special focus is being placed on teaching instructors to operate computers and effectively use them to educate students.

5. Nigeria


In Nigeria, there is an increasing trend of providing training and support to teachers on the use of computers. This is done with the view that teachers will be better able to integrate technology in the Education vertical, which will in turn enhance the learning process for students. This will bring about a huge change in the way that teachers impart education and enhance the level of technology usage in schools and other educational institutions.



This country has greatly enhanced its overall IT systems used by educational institutions in recent years. As a result, the PC-to-student ratio has decreased significantly, playing a huge role in reviving Portugal’s educational system.

As well, development programs have helped teachers in learning to integrate various technologies and local vendors have been engaged in government programs to provide all students with PCs.

7. Romania


In Romania, the adoption and usage of PCs in the educational system is playing a big role in increasing student enrolment. Student attendance has also greatly improved with the usage of IT-related technologies in schools and higher education institutes.

The government is specifically focusing on rural areas for this initiative. Pilot programs have been carried out in various places to understand the feasibility of such programs among students and teachers. The present focus is to include all children under the government e-learning program.

8. Russia


The Government of Russia is including more and more PCs and digital systems in its education program to enhance the skills of students in the country.

Indeed, the federal government has implemented a law to introduce IT education from the second standard. Teachers have also been able to successfully use computers in the processing of imparting knowledge to students in classrooms.

9. Spain


One-to-one computing has driven the need for one-to-one learning with a focus on broadening the hours spent on learning. In other words, the program aims to enable learning among students even if the student is not in school.

Tablets are being increasingly distributed to teachers and students to let them access to the vast digital education content at the press of a button, and more students are being brought under the purview of the program.



The digital transformation of the education system is one of the highest priorities of emerging countries in the APAC region, including Thailand. The Government in Thailand is focused on adopting PCs and integrating it with the day-to-day learning process in classrooms.

Teachers are encouraged to spend more hours learning various technologies, which will help them making the learning process more meaningful and competent. Likewise, students are increasingly encouraged to use PCs in almost all subjects and areas of their learning process.