Technavio’s Tech Tuesday: Google’s Self-driving Car

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Ever wanted a car that could drive itself? Automated cars are no longer a figment of the imagination, but are now becoming a reality. The idea of a driverless car actually originated in the 1930s. Since then, there have been a number of attempts to achieve self-driving technology. Today, as technology continues to change the way we function by making our world ‘smarter’, automated cars seem to be part of the natural progression.


Technology behind Google’s self-driving cars

The self-driving car from Google makes the most of the latest innovations in order to provide a natural and intuitive experience. The safety of the car and those inside is the main concern. This is especially important given that around 1.2 million lives are lost to road accidents each year – 90% of which are due to human error.

Google’s self-driving car makes use of sensors such as lasers, radar, and cameras in order to get a 360 degree view of the road. The computer in the vehicle is specifically designed to sense and process other vehicles and anticipate obstructions. The vehicle can also recognize and react to the hand signals of cyclists on the road. Further, the interior of the vehicle is designed solely with the riders in the mind.


Why use self-driving cars?

Traffic across the globe has become worse that it has ever been. In the U.S. alone, nearly 33,000 lives are lost each year to car accidents, with heavy traffic, driver’s fatigue, and poor calculation being the major causes. Self-driving cars have emerged as a way to save lives and combat risks. Their extremely accurate ability to read the behavior of other vehicles goes a long way in helping reduce the number of car accidents.

Self-driving cars also have the potential to change the way traffic works. Traffic congestion, in most cases, is a man-made situation caused by poor driving habits and apathy towards traffic rules and other drivers. Powered with new automobile technology, Google’s automated cars can sense and process vehicles around them to determine how much space to leave, thereby relieving congestion. This in turn helps to increase the capacity of highways, many of which, especially in metro areas, are in a terrible state.

Another reason to switch to self-driving cars is that they increase productivity, allowing passengers to safely focus on work rather than the road. Additionally, riders do not have to spend time searching for a parking space. Self-driving cars are programmed to let riders off at their destination, park themselves, and come back to pick them up when needed. Self-driving cars are surely a positive step towards a more simplified and ‘smarter’ life. Finally, since they run on battery, they are an excellent alternative to traditional fuel.

Lastly, Google’s self-driving cars can provide major benefits for children, the elderly, and those with disabilities, allowing them to safely commute with comfort and ease.

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