The Network Accelerator Market: A Race Against Technology


With the exponential rise of data traffic in the past few years, network operators are forced to deploy an effective means of managing multimedia data packets. In correlation with this demand, the Global Network Accelerator has emerged, and is growing fast. Indeed the market is forecasted to soar at a CAGR of 40.64 percent for the 2012-2016 period, which will bring its net value to over $ US 1.5 billion.

But can network accelerator vendors keep up with the high demand for their services and the breakneck pace at which networking technology is advancing?

It seems as if every day we hear about the release of a new type networking equipment that has better features and capabilities. This is especially true in the rapidly evolving mobile phone industry. In just a few years, we’ve seen the progression from 2G, to 3G, and now 4G and LTE networks. These advancements mean great things for consumers, but leave network accelerator developers scrambling to provide solutions that suit the new technology.

So what does this mean for the market? Well, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword.

On one hand, vendors run the risk of producing an efficient network accelerator solution only to have it rendered obsolete the next week. On the other hand, the rapid evolution of data networks and the need for services to accommodate these technological changes guarantees that the call for new services and solutions will never plateau. And indeed, this is reflected by the huge demand for advanced solutions that AVG, Cisco, McAfeeSymantec and other key network accelerator providers have found themselves confronted with in the past year.

With all this being said, we at TechNavio think it’s safe to assume that although the rapid evolution of technology certainly presents some challenges, these challenges won’t hinder the Network Accelerator Market as a whole. After all, the demand for data traffic solutions is strong and it’s unlikely to fade anytime soon.

The market’s numbers have nowhere to go but up. But which vendors will rise along with these numbers? Ultimately, that will depend on their resilience and capacity to keep one step ahead in the race against technology.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 report on The Global Network Accelerator Market.