Mobile POS Systems Bid Adieu to Long Line-ups

If you’ve ever walked into an Apple store, you probably noticed two things. First, the swarms of people. Second, the fact that despite how crowded the shop is, not a single person waiting in line—and it’s not because nobody is buying anything. The explanation for this phenomenon?

Mobile point of sale systems.

Instead of following the typical “grab your goods and line up at the cash register” retail structure, Apple reps wander the floor with mobile POS systems and complete customer transactions on the spot.

Genius, right? Nevertheless, despite the obvious efficiency of this sales method, other retailers have been slow to put the kibosh on checkout lines until now.  Businesses are finally starting to catch on however, leading us to forecast the overall Mobile POS Market with a CAGR of 11.9 percent from now until 2016.

Back in 2012, Global Mobile POS Systems market shipped 0.33 million units. In the next three years, shipments are expected to jump to 0.54 million units.

Aside from the obvious functionality of mobile POS systems, the other key drivers behind this anticipated growth are the declining average sale price per unit, and the increasing penetration of high-speed broadband connectivity.

Both of these factors amount to ease of deployment. As the ASP of mobile POS systems approaches the cost of traditional systems, end-users won’t have any excuse to not make the switch to portability and once a few business owners make this transition, we have little doubt that a chain reaction of sorts will occur.

After all, the key to any successful business is keeping customers happy and if there’s one thing customers hate more than anything, it’s waiting in line. If one store offers a way to avoid this problem and the other doesn’t, which do you think the customer at hand will choose?

It’s an easy question, and its answer amounts to inevitable success for The Global Mobile POS System Market.

For more information, view our 2012-2016 report on The Global Mobile POS System Market.