Introducing Energy Conservation in Construction with BIPV Technology

Building integrated photovoltaics or BIPV are photovoltaic materials used as a substitute for conventional building materials, which help integrate solar energy capabilities into building designs.

BIPV technology has been gaining a lot of popularity in the construction sector, as there has been increasing focus on energy efficient constructions.

Solar Panel Components

Solar panels are composed of glass, EVA, solar cells, a back sheet, and inner connectors. The cells can be broadly classified into two types: c-Si cells and thin-film cells. c-Si cells are made by slicing ingots, wafers, or grown ribbons.

Thin-film cells, however, are made by depositing one or more thin layers of PV material on low-cost support materials such as glass, stainless steel, and plastic. However, the most commonly used solar cells are c-Si solar cells.


Cascading Effect of Solar Panel Pricing

Excessive supply of solar panels has resulted in the decline of panel prices. The new affordability of the technology has prompted many vendors to invest in solar power projects, thereby increasing demand for photovoltaics.

And as solar energy consumption worldwide has increased, it has led to a corresponding growth in the Building Integrated Photovoltaic Market, which is expected to post an impressive CAGR of 15.4 percent from 2015 to 2019.

Reasons to Install BIPV Systems

Efficient usage and installation of solar energy (BIPV) can enhance the overall energy efficiency of a building. Additionally, the installation of BIPV systems can help a building get certified as green or eco-friendly, which comes with a handful of benefits. As many governments worldwide are starting to offer incentives to encourage the use of alternative energy sources, installing BIPV systems and being certified ‘green’ can help companies tap into these incentives.

Other key reasons why many companies are looking to BIPV systems:

  • Natural lighting and suitable temperature can be adjusted with the help of these system, which further enhances energy management.
  • Can be used for additional power generations
  • Limited transmission loss
  • Reduces reliance on grid-connected power
  • Enhances architectural design and aesthetics
  • Reduces the need for additional building material and is cost-effective
  • PV material is protected without the need for fencing