Debunking of Wheat Protein Myth Aids Protein Ingredients Market


It has long been speculated around the world that wheat protein may be a cause of obesity and sickness, but scientists have recently debunked this myth. A team from Maastricht University in the Netherlands and the Crop Science Group of Rothamsted Research UK made it a point to discredit the myth surrounding wheat protein as a product that causes obesity in the general population.

Their study indicated that, after careful evaluation of data, none of it justifies a claim that wheat protein in any way has adverse effects on the healthy segment of the population. Linking wheat protein consumption to obesity as a direct link, rather than an inactive lifestyle was a rather incorrect conclusion that created so much controversy around the subject. Since wheat protein consumption has no link to increased prevalence of obesity in the general healthy population, the myth was debunked.

This re-evaluation of the evidence has had a strong impact on the growing segment of the health-conscious consumers. This is because an increase in concern among the global population about the potential problems of obesity is driving heath-conscious consumers to making alternative food choices. These consumers are now looking for protein-rich food and beverages such as dietary supplements, and this is driving the current CAGR of 6.03 percent for the Global Protein Ingredients Market over the period of 2014-2018.

An increased consumer preference for wheat protein ingredients, which is a part of the plant protein family, is an emerging trend being observed in the global plant protein ingredients market. Wheat protein accounts for 41 percent of this market, and the introduction of peas, rice and canola is gaining more acceptance from many consumers world-wide. As a result of increased health awareness globally, consumers are making better choices and this increases demand for wheat products.

Trends like these are having a significantly positive impact on the growth of Global Protein Ingredients Market, but the lack of marketing initiatives about health benefits offered by products like wheat protein causes challenges. The major reason for the low rate of awareness is the lack of adequate scientific evidence to prove the direct benefits of wheat protein ingredients, which in turn restricts the marketing initiatives of the vendors.

However, the recent debunking of the wheat protein being a direct cause of obesity and causing illnesses, should push research efforts further so marketers will reach the health-conscious demographic more effectively. This turn of events will help the Global Protein Ingredients Market sustain its predicted growth for the 2014-2018 period.  

For more information, view our 2014-2018 Global Protein Ingredients Market report.

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