4 Trends in Mobile Device Management

Digital Content Market

With the rise of the BYOD movement in offices across the globe, comes a need for a solution that secures, monitors, manages and supports mobile devices deployed across a shared network. From this demand, Mobile Device Management (MDM) Enterprise Software has flourished into an over half billion dollar market, and it’s growing fast.

In the next four years the market’s revenue is set to increase at a CAGR of 21.3 percent bringing its net value to US $1,104.1 million by 2016 thank to a few key trends which we’ll outline below:

1.Rise in Demand from SMEs

Lauren Sanborn of the leading enterprise mobility company, AirWatch notes, “previously the advanced features of MDM software were only used by large enterprises, but more and more SMEs are starting to go beyond basic lock / wipe features to managing applications.” 

Lauren Sanborn
Analyst Relations

As well, SMEs require regular feedback on their services, as they require constant innovation on the part of service and product offerings, which MDM enterprise software provides. Technavio has also witnessed very high adoption of Internet-enabled wireless gadgets like personal digital assistant, smartphones, and tablets among employees of SMEs, all of which require MDM software to manage.

2.Increasing Adoption of SaaS-based MDM Solutions in Developing Countries

Developing countries such as India and China are rapidly adopting SaaS-based solutions which has a very positive impact on the MDM Enterprise Software market. Previously, enterprises in developing countries didn’t have enough capital to invest in costly on premise application, though the emergence of SaaS-based MDM software presents a more affordable alternative. This trend will without doubt attract more customers, and expand the market’s reach.

3.Convergence of MDM and MAM Solutions

Our analysts have noted a high probability of combined MAM and MDM solutions in the future years. Several specialized MDM solution providers have already started offering MAM capabilities which will greatly affect the competitive landscape of the overall market, in terms of new vendors coming into the market and providing advanced solutions. 

4.Rise of Integrated MDM Software

Quoting AirWatch’s Lauren Sanborn once again,

“MDM is evolving into ‘enterprise mobility management’. The importance of a holistic mobility solution that includes device, application, content and e-mail management is becoming more apparent”.

As these types of comprehensive technology emerge, the revenues currently being brought in by other enterprise management solutions will begin trickling into the MDM Software market.

The Verdict

Ultimately, as enterprises become increasingly mobile-based infrastructure, end-users will have few alternatives to adopting MDM software if they want to keep their businesses stable and secure. For this reason, we at TechNavio are confident that the Global MDM Software Market won’t be going anywhere but up in coming years.