Myasthenia Gravis Drugs – Market Trends, Drivers, and Forecast from Technavio

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According to Technavio’s latest market research study, the global myasthenia gravis drugs market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 13% during the forecast period, 2017-2021.

This report by Technavio provides an in-depth analysis of the global myasthenia gravis drugs market in terms of revenue and emerging market trends. The report also includes an up-to-date analysis and forecasts for various market segments and all geographical regions.

Technavio research analysts categorize the market based on the therapy area

                                                                                                                     Source: Technavio

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The top three revenue contributing therapy area segments are discussed below

Global anticholinesterases market: Anticholinesterases is the most common type of medication for myasthenia gravis owing to its lesser long-term side effects. The rapid-action medication is easily available in markets across the globe. The most commonly prescribed drug of this type is Mestinon (pyridostigmine bromide) offered by Valeant Pharmaceuticals.

Vendors in the market are pursuing inorganic growth strategies such as acquisitions in an attempt to expand their product portfolio and market presence. Such strategies enable companies to reduce R&D costs and penetrate the market in lesser time,” says Barath Palada, a lead analyst at Technavio for research on central nervous system.

Global immunosuppressant drugs market: Immunosuppressants help prevent the body from producing the harmful antibodies that lead to myasthenia gravis. They also reduce the production of good antibodies, which makes susceptible to infection and other diseases. Some of the commonly prescribed immunosuppressant drugs include prednisone, monoclonal antibodies, Imuran (azathioprine), CellCept (mycophenolate mofetil), Trexall (methotrexate), and Prograf (tacrolimus).

Global intravenous immune globulin market: Immune globulin therapy is used to treat rapidly worsening myasthenia gravis. IVIg treatments are very expensive and offer short-term relief from myasthenia gravis symptoms until long-acting immune-modifying drugs are effective. Some of the IVIg includes Gammagard (Shire) and Gamimune (Grifols).

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Top vendors operating in the global myasthenia gravis drugs market are:

  • Flamel Technologies
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche
  • Grifols
  • Pfizer
  • Shire
  • Valeant Pharmaceuticals

Other prominent vendors in the market include Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, CSL, Curavac, Cytokinetics, Galencia, GlaxoSmithKline, Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, and Novartis.

A more detailed analysis is available in the Technavio report titled, ‘Global Myasthenia Gravis Drugs Market 2017-2021’. Technavio also customizes reports by other regions and specific segments upon request.

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