Gallium arsenide solar cells: New development in the global arsenic market

Renewable energy


This market research report presents a detailed segmentation of the global arsenic market by application (insecticides and herbicides, wood preservatives, glass making, and electronics) and by geography (Belgium, Chile, China, Morocco, Russia, and the US). The leading vendors in the market are ChangSha YuanFeng Import and Export, Chenzhou Chenxi metals, Kunming Heqi Industry & Trade, Wenshan Yunrun International, and Xilan Chemicals.

Technavio’s market research analysts estimate the global arsenic market, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2% between 2016 and 2020. The extensive use of arsenic in gallium arsenide and wood preservatives is propelling growth in the arsenic market. Gallium arsenide, an arsenic derivative, is preferred to silicon in the production of semiconductors because the speed of electrons in gallium arsenide is five times greater than that of silicon.  China is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the arsenic market. Rise in demand for electronic appliances and rapid economic growth are propelling the demand for gallium arsenide devices in the region

The new market research report from Technavio provides a breakdown and analysis of the arsenic segments by technology.

“Due to the rising penetration of high-speed internet connectivity, the adoption of smartphones has increased significantly. This growth in the Internet’s penetration will indirectly spur data consumption and downloads via mobile handsets and communication devices. The increase in the demand for data downloads will foster the need for mobile handsets, which in turn will present an enormous opportunity for arsenic to be utilized in the form of gallium arsenide in such devices,” says Debasish Nayak, Lead Analyst, Chemicals & Materials, Technavio Research

The insecticides and herbicides segment dominates the arsenic market, accounting for a market share of nearly 50%. The extensive applications of monosodium methyl arsenate (MSMA), an arsenic-based herbicide, in the agricultural industry will aid in the growth of this market segment during the forecast period.

Global arsenic market by application 2020

Source: Technavio, 2016

The leading vendors in the global arsenic market are ChangSha YuanFeng Import and Export, Chenzhou Chenxi metals, Kunming Heqi Industry & Trade, Wenshan Yunrun International, and Xilan Chemicals. This is primarily dominated by vendors that are located in China. Since arsenic is poisonous to human health, none of the companies are directly involved in its extraction. To estimate the vendor landscape, the analysts have considered the indirect suppliers of the element that are concentrated around China.

A more detailed analysis is available in the Technavio report, Global Arsenic Market 2016-2020.

We can customize reports by other regions and specific segments upon request.

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