devops tools

DevOps Tools Market: Rapid Growth Expected by 2022

The global DevOps tools market has remained strong, growing at a steady growth rate in recent years. With rapid development of IT infrastructure and software applications across various of industries around the world, the demand for advanced DevOps tools and platforms is expected to be higher than ever, driving the growth of the global DevOps…

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banking software

BI (Business Intelligence) Banking Software: Bank IT Spending was Up Due to Rising Demand in 2014

In 2014 Technavio analysts noted the expected increase investment in BI banking software.  Today, this has vaulted past big data and into ai (artificial intelligence) and machine learning. BI or also bibanking is no longer a single solution, but a toolkit of data visualization, adaptive learning, and competitive intelligence all rolled into a bundle. This is…

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IT outsourcing

Top IT Outsourcing Trends That Will Define the Sector in 2018

One of the most strategic of management tools, IT outsourcing enables organizations to refocus on their core goals and speed up the business process by increasing efficiency and transparency. 2017 witnessed  outsourcing services making  a major departure from the fixed pricing model, along with the immense popularity of the cloud-based system. According to our industry…

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