
Video Surveillance via the Cloud: The Future of Surveillance Solutions

WASHINGTON—The Washington Navy Yard shooting on September 16th which resulted in 13 deaths segued into a sea of scrutiny over the surveillance and security in the shipyard which, according to McClatchy Washington Bureau, includes poor entrance controls, video dead spots, inadequate lighting, malfunctioning alarms and other problems. Was poor security and surveillance to blame for…

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L’Oreal Makes Maiden Acquisition in India: Global Cosmeceuticals Market On the Rise

Early last week, L’Oreal SA—currently ranked as the largest cosmetics company in the world—purchased Mumbai-based Cheryl’s Cosmeceuticals, a professional skincare products and treatment company. The acquisition marks L’Oreal’s maiden India-based acquisition, and represents the company’s lucrative entrance into the multi-billion-dollar Global Cosmeceuticals Market. For those who haven’t heard the word “cosmeceuticals” in everyday conversation, the…

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Top 14 Hadoop Technology Companies

Apache Hadoop is an open-source software platform that runs on MapReduce technology in order to perform distributed computations on various hardware servers. It was originally adapted from Google File System and Google MapReduce papers, and is now used by hundreds of enterprises for processing, storing, and analyzing large volumes of structured and unstructured data.  Related: What’s driving the global managed…

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3 Trends for IAM Software Solutions

How many times have you heard the old (and fairly pessimistic saying), “You can’t trust anyone these days”? The truth is, in today’s technology heavy world, digital threats are a very real problem and the stakes for defending against such threats are higher than ever. An entire enterprise could easily collapse just because the wrong…

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Top 10 Network Application Companies

Network applications are a set of diverse software applications that combine the internet and related hardware to execute several functions over a shared network. Demand for the technology is quickly rising, thanks to its usefulness for functions such as mobile payments and mobile commerce. These applications are also used to improve network performance and security,…

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